
Oh sure, because rape is just like theft, says yet another random dude on the internet who will never be raped. /s

Regardless of what other motivations they have, the prerequisite for rape is hate, seeing your victim as subhuman as other.

Sticking your dick in someone against her will is inherently violent.

Rape (forcible penetration) is by definition violence.

Hey now, sociopaths have hobbies too.

I found this chart which is apt:

And does the lady not have a boyfriend? Was she a virgin? Then obviously she is too inexperienced understand sex let alone rape and is just regretting having sex and calling it rape.

The unfunny part bout rape is that only 2% of rapists ever spend one minute in jail.

Honestly, I would suggest that you just dismiss all of “The Dire and the Duro”’s comments. His level of guttural hate has no place here.

If your point remains pointier for more than 4 hours, please seek medical attention immediately.

Oh sure, rape and hate crimes are so droll and just cannot compare to your hurt fee fees. /s

I’m repeating myself in response to multiple commenters:

They are acting out of hate, period. In order to violate someone against their will, you must see them as subhuman, other, less than. Hate may not be the only motivating factor, but it is a prerequisite.

Yes. In order to violate someone in such a horrific manner, you must hate them and see them as subhuman. You may have other motivating factors, but hate is a prerequisite to rape regardless of the perpetrator or victims.

You’re do a marvelous job of it!

Rape itself by it’s very nature is a hate crime regardless of who the perpetrator is or who the victim is. It is the act itself that is motivated by hate. Hate might not be the only motivator, but it must exist in order to the perpetrator to violate another person in such a horrific manner.

Yes it does. A man would not be able to hurt a woman that way if he did not fundamentally hate her or see her as subhuman and not worthy of basic dignity or human rights.

I don’t know why I have to explain rape’s relationship to women’s inequality to people on the Internet.

Oh sure, it’s exactly the same. Vagina or crosswalk, exactly the same. If you are a troll.

Increase the penalties for rape? Absolutely. Let’s start by giving rapists any penalty and go from there. According to RAINN, 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.