
If I never have to listen yet again to a random dude discuss rape and having his damn wallet stolen, I would die a happy woman.

We mustn’t let a petty crime like rape mess up the pristine perfection of the term hate crime. /s

Who said anything about men hating women being the ONLY reason? In order for a man to rape a woman, he must hate her. He must see her as an object that is less than human.

Oh the trolls are out in force again.

She was using biting sarcasm out of anger at the system, the use of “you stupid bitches” is satirical. You get that right?

Lol. I want to end sex trafficking and your response is YOU RATHER SEE US DEAD. No, honey, the ones who want you dead are the ones like “Meninism” and “IamBrett” who deny that sex trafficking is even a problem. I am not going to throw victims under the bus so that your profit margin is not interfered with. YOU are the

What is your plan to combat the 85% of women in France who are sex trafficked or the 75% of women in the US who are sex trafficked (well, not just women, there are probably a lot of children as well)?

So you have no idea how to combat sex trafficking other than to pretend that sex trafficking is virtually nonexistent?

You’re welcome!

Will you look at that, I just dismissed all the trolls that attached themselves to me like barnacles on a ship. Back to 4chan with the lot of you.

I see. So the name “Slut Panic” is a misogynist reference to your hatred of women. Is A Voice for Men having a two for one special today?

Jesus Christ, this story is catnip for MRA trolls. I feel like we need to spray them away:

And by others, you mean an MRA troll who calls all women whores. Fuck off Paul Elam.

Explain to me how you would reduce sex trafficking.

It doesn’t matter. Feminists actually breathing in air gives them ammo. They are all insane. They will just take a break from their usually spiel that 90% of rape victims are lying to post this story. They are literally rabid and insane.

Meninism probably goes on a sex tour of Thailand every year and then tells himself that those women weren’t sold into brothels and that they really do think he’s special. He just started the misogynist rant about there not being any difference between a man who buys a woman a drink or dinner and a prostitute. I’m

And now we are calling all women whores. What took you so long, Paul Elam? Fuck off back to a Voice for Men, asshole.

No honey, it’s not YOUR place to come onto a feminist website from whatever MRA anti-feminist forum you typically lurk and mansplain about sex trafficking.

You’re a woman who makes a snarky trollish comment and patently ignores the figure of 85% of women being sex trafficked (and the figure is 75% in the US). So excuse me if I find you suspect. You are the “all lives matter” answer to “black lives matter”.

You are crediting them with rational and consistent thinking. Although, and I absolutely hate that I know this, typically the MGTOW/MRA crowd just hates all women and the PUA/Return of Kings crowd want women a lot, but just women who are “traditional” and “subservient”. It’s easy to get them mixed up because they