
It’s completely relevant. The articles linked on this thread are about how the Swedish model reduced sex trafficking and the German model of legalization increased sex trafficking.

Touched a nerve on your hobby as a life long John, have we?

Can you read? They have decriminalized it for sex workers. You seem not to care not so much about stopping trafficking.

This is not about “restricting women’s rights”, it’s about restricting the rights of Johns like you to purchase sex trafficked women.

Are you intentionally not reading all the links provided on this thread which disprove your claim? Perhaps you should. Legalizing it increased sex trafficking, going after customers decreased trafficking.

Gawker will do that to you.

I think we all know what story will be featured on A Voice for Men to try and discredit claims that men kill women in vast numbers.

Get with the times? What times? MRAs like you long for the days of male supremacy. You salivate over Mad Men like it’s an ultimate fantasy. 85% of those women aren’t consenting, genius, they are sex trafficked. The statistic for the US is 75%. Which means that 3/4 of the prostitutes you frequent are probably doing it

Counterclaims from whom? MRA’s like you? Note how you patently ignore the 85% who are sex trafficked.

I am still convinced that some right wing group has blackmail photos or video of Clarence Thomas in some sort of incriminating situation and are using it to keep him in line and voting in the manner that they dictate. Because he almost never speaks up during hearings or authors an opinion. He used to just follow

And the aftermath of that hearing ushered into the Senate some really powerful female senators.

Yeah, I saw that on CNN, it was very very good.

Scott told the Reveille that alcohol consumption was partly to blame, calling gameday an “energetic weekend.”

“But why don’t women immediately report their rape to the police!” Says every single rape apologist MRA douchecanoe on the internet.

“Meninism”? Really? A screen name that screams, “I’m an MRA who frequents prostitutes.”

You know? I choose to protect the 85% being sex trafficked over the 15% who choose to be sex workers tbh. If they don’t have it already, France should have social programs to help sex workers get training and safer jobs. I doubt there really is such a thing as a “happy hooker”. Most women who end up as sex workers

Sweden did it and it dramatically reduced trafficking.

Sweden did the same thing as France and it dramatically cut down on sex trafficking.

It’s ALREADY unsafe for sex workers. Did you miss the part about how 85% of prostitution is trafficked?

My thoughts were: