
Just don’t use him for sex advice. ;-)

You think 14 years is close in age? LMAO.


Here you go. Choose wisely:

It makes me curious as if something has changed since then that has made men only want young girls.

Shhhh, he makes a hat from her skin after he has her trapped and tanned on a deserted tropical island!

LOL. I guess a girlfriend is cheaper than a private nurse.

Imo, he mentioned his salary because he had nothing else to offer

“She is sensual”. Is that code for she gives bj’s to unattractive men 14 years older than her?

45, 5'6" and borderline chubby.

Me too!

Ewwwwww. And he has a key to her apartment!

To me, the number one issue in this presidential campaign is reproductive rights. Given the unrelenting attacks on not just abortion rights, but access to birth control, and TRAP laws, this is an urgent issue. And Bernie sees that as an afterthought, that is way down the list from what he really cares about. He rarely

Just ask Sanders supporters (at least the fanatical ones who lurk on Jezebel or even more so on Gawker) if the person who wins the most pledged delegates in the end, should be the nominee. The silence in response to this question is deafening.

Did you miss my mention of the word “contempt”? They feel love for Bernie and contempt for Trump. Context is everything.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone” and his supporters would still support him.

And when Warren ran for Senate, 60% of men voted for the man (Scott Brown).

It’s like Deja Vu all over again, here is a post about Elizabeth Warren from your linked article by a commenter:

You should have a trillion stars for this!