
No, that is called “delight”. Sarcasm is what is used to convey “contempt”. Do you read contempt for Bernie in the article? Read any article about Trump they publish. That is what sarcasm sounds like. I should know, I am often sarcastic.

You think this one is critical of Sanders? LOL.

Bernie is also as establishment as they get. He’s been a politician since the 1990's for god’s sake.

Jezebel did an article about Hillary Clinton coughing. They mocked her. They did an article about her appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show. They mocked her. And when I say mock, I mean, mocked in a mean spirited way. When they mock Bernie, it’s “oh he’s such a darling!” way.

It’s the new “but I can’t be racist, because I have black friends!”

Can you link me one single article on Jezebel that has ever been critical of Sanders? All of them are cutesy tongue in cheek, isn’t he wonderful articles. Like this one.

I dunno, reading the Washington Post article alone is pretty embarrassing. Sanders is like the crazy old uncle that you kinda listen to when you’re younger but realize is a kook as you grow up

You can spot ‘em sometimes with their stupid pins

Imo, the most dyed in the wood Sanders supporters sound like the left version of the Tea Party. And just as unreasonable.

That has always been my question on all of his promises: “How? And how will you pay for it?”

You would think a feminist website might want to spend a little bit of time discussing sexism in politics, but nooooo, apparently the only sexism that exists is in the GOP. It’s so disappointing. I don’t even care if they support Bernie over Hillary, that is their right. But they still need to do their damn job and

IKR? She was deflecting in this article like her life depended on it.

Nobody gives a damn if Sanders knows about subway tokens. But it’s a big damn deal that he has no clue about his signature promise to break up the banks. And had it been Clinton who screwed up that bad, you would be writing a novel length post about how she is unfit to be president.

Do you realize how much you sound like a Trump supporter? Shall I demonstrate?

What’s “pit”? Does it also get you high?

Mildly evil for good democratic principles. That distinction is everything. The fact that she would gut a person and dance in their blood while they lay dying is a good thing in my eyes, because we need a tough as nails fighter in our corner. Obama was the carrot; Hillary is the stick.

There is no question that any woman running for any office, let alone the presidency, has to be twice as smart as any man and know every single issue front and back (and then get criticized for being too polished or too practiced).

Bernie my dude, I like you and all, but the charmingly cantankerous old guy persona white male privilege only gets you so far. You need to actually study for the tests.

Well said.

To quote Barney Frank: