
1. I don’t need a patronizing lecture. Stop assuming that I’m not choosing Bernie Sanders because I don’t know any better. It’s perfectly fine for you to be passionate about Bernie, more power to you. But stop with the Berniesplaining. It’s annoying.


Karma is a beautiful thing.

Unfortunately, feminist cronies are still only paid 75 cents on the dollar.

Thanks to the internet, wherever there are basements, there is a possible MRA lurking in a dank corner just past the washer/dryer unit pounding away on the computer he purchased from Best Buy.

Bingo. And if there is any doubt, the rest of his comment about how gender is different, traditional roles, and the swinging of the pendulum pretty much says it all.

I literally write lyrics for my own mental therapy

No, it does not make you sick or twisted, it makes you long for poetic justice given how many innocent people have died in the name of take no prisoner gun rights fanaticism. I always found it so hypocritical that the two places in which guns are not allowed are the Republican National Convention and the NRA

Yeah, that makes sense. Given that her husband is Jewish, I can’t imagine that the whole neo Nazi white supremacist thing is going over very well with her.

I am hoping for fist fights to break out amongst delegates on the convention floor. That would be sweet!

I could care less about integrity when it comes to the GOP. The more chaos that ensues, the better it is for the democrats. They deserve all the bad things that happen to them tenfold.

I will not be happy unless we see actual fist fights on the convention floor amongst delegates at the Republican National Convention. Let the Hunger Games begin!


Too late for that. The Trumpster fire has spread to the neighboring houses and can no longer be ignored.

The General campaign is going to be so damn easy for Hillary Clinton. All she, or any anti-Trump PAC has to do is show clips of Donald Trump’s actual comments, and show fights breaking out at his rallies. This stuff writes itself. Trump is tanking with women and Latinos, but did you know that he has a 51%

The last few seconds make it clear to me it’s not a parody. And of course, if the guy who made the video is a white supremacist than a xenophobic organization dedicated to making humanity the dominant race and willing to use violence to do so would be really appealing.

It’s real. The last few seconds of it leaves little doubt. A parody would have inserted at least on Nazi reference in the images.

Any bets on whether or not he will pick Ivanka as his Vice Presidential candidate?

I think you give Donald Trump too much credit for even possessing a mind diabolical enough to come up with this type of scenario. He’s just a waking Freudian Id without an internal filter who loves the sound of his own voice and is unable to think past next week.

Donald Trump will make America Great Again.................for white men to rape white women like God intended.