
Honestly, the Trump campaign is going to implode. I just keep seeing all the material that the democrats can use against him in the general. Footage of fist fights, news clips of his misogyny. All they have to do is run the footage and at the end put up a caption “is this what the leader of the free world should look

Only half? That’s optimistic.

Make America Great Grate Again.

Donald Trump, the candidate of choice for gamergaters and MRAs.

What the ever loving hell? LOL.


I’m talking about this incident, you rape apologizing jerk.

Time to bring out the Onion piece:

He was suddenly struck by the rape lightening, out of nowhere!

Apparently the good Samaritan is from Sweden as an exchange student. Which explains a few things.

Dudebro Sharia Law. Must have two men witness and corroborate.

Also, let’s slap him in the face and when he balks tell him that it isn’t a clear case of consent to be slapped or not.

If she was beaten to within an inch of her life. The rape apologist doesn’t believe in acquaintance rape. They get their ideas of women from the Saudi’s apparently.

“He made a mean chocolate cake, until his once promising baking career was destroyed by being accused of rape”.

Well, fortunate for them, so many rape kits sit in storage unanalyzed, because rape is such a priority for law enforcement, don’t ya know.

They are the same kinds of idiots who post online about how hard it is to tell if you are really raping someone or not. They apparently can’t tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Let’s all move to Sweden. Although, I’m not sure I could stand the winters.

IKR? We don’t expect that people would participate in a robbery or steal a car if they saw it happening, but we sometimes expect them to participate in a sexual assault. It’s just sad that this is even a question.

Yes, I think that that was the point of the story. After “once promising” the tone was “until he was suddenly accused of rape”. As if the rape is something that was done to him, not what he did to her.

Imho, it’s healthy to be skeptical of dudes named Brock.