
Oh, I think everyone misunderstood your original post!

Highlighting rape culture.

Slap them in the face and argue that you should only be punished for 5 seconds.

Yep, they say “he was a once promising athlete until he robbed someone at gun point”.

The way that laws are applied are as follows:

No. Not anything. If he got into a car while drunk and hit someone no one would have a problem calling him a murderer. If he got drunk and started a forest fire he would be charged with arson. It’s only when you get drunk and assault a woman that your culpability is debatable.

One was having it done to her, the other was doing it. She wasn’t making him have sex while he was drunk.

Because Kotaku commenters pee on it?

Too bad he has to inflate her every night.

Fucking Kotaku. I’m still in a comment fight with some gamer who insists that (although he is against death threats) Anita Sarkeesian is a liar (who lied about the death threats) and now he won’t shut up about how angry he is that she disabled her youtube comments or censors her social media accounts and is somehow

Right. The tone of these articles are more along the lines of “he had everything going for him, until he was accused of sexual assault” Like it’s something that happened to him rather than something he did.

I think it means an inanimate object, like a beer bottle or some other phallic shaped inanimate object.

Suddenly he was accused of rape starting raping women.

You’re such a romantic!

Well, one side of the story assumes that both sides have legitimate arguments. The fact that she was able to get a conviction in Texas no less for rape says a lot about the veracity of her side of the story.

Sometimes lawsuits are the only way to bring about change. Once the almighty wallet is harmed, then they start to give a damn about doing the right thing. I hope all 6 of the women sue.

Also maybe one of his kidneys, she can keep in a freezer just in case she needs it later in life.

I like to call that Dudebro Sharia Law.

The police should be involved and I believe they were in this case. BUT, the university has an obligation to investigate on an administrative level, because having a rapist (and most rapists are serial rapists) in their midst presents a direct threat to the women on campus. They have the obligation to have a hearing

I’m thinking about the fact that she would not have been raped if only the school had investigated and taken action to expel him for his previous assaults.