
The pro forced birth crowd (I don’t call them “pro-lifers, because that is misleading imo) are obsessed with making abortion illegal. In order to do so, they need to not scare people into imagining the dystopian nightmare of hundreds of thousands of women being jailed. Make no mistake, if they were able to ban

Matthews has a man crush on Trump the way he used to have on Guilliani. He’s always looking for the next Great White [Male] Hope. Constantly obsessing over what the working class male thinks and wants. But he is also capable of asking obvious questions.

It’s gone beyond politics imo. There really is no legitimate reason for anyone to support Trump. If they are conservative, they have Cruz or Kacish.

The good news is that I sincerely believe that Trump will be totally creamed in November, and thus, by definition, his ideas and his followers will be roundly repudiated.

They don’t want to publically call for punishing women, because they know that it will spark shock and outrage and that people might actually start to think what calling abortion “murder” really means legally. A abortion doctor, particularly if abortion is outlawed, is an imaginary vague third party. A woman, on the

Imagine knowing that thing was in your house and you were stuck with it until it was old enough to grow its orange exoskeleton and skitter away on its own.

Really? I thought he WAS an abortion.

Here you go:

Bottom line: Those who refuse to vote for the democrat in November reek of privilege. Because I am willing to bet that it’s not anyone who actually has something serious to lose.

Celebritards and their privilege.

He’s a uniter!

But he would make the best, most luxurious, most excellent, YUGE deal for those launch codes.

Once again, women have to do all the heavy lifting!

Rich white male republicans can afford to send their mistresses abroad to get their abortions. Hell, they probably have spas set up just for this issue.

I’m afraid of the American public’s trembling hand

I could see some sort of dystopian scenario in which they close the borders for women trying to cross over into Canada, forcing them to submit to a pregnancy test, and then turning them back.

Reproductive rights ARE human rights. A fundamental human right for women. Without it, we are and always will be horribly oppressed. I can’t eve begin to imagine the dystopian nightmare that awaits us under a right wing presidency and supreme court. Which is why I lose my damn mind over those who say they won’t vote

I feel like Trump is highlighting how the issue of white male privilege is the default position in this country.

Just like there’s a lot of those zero follower, seemingly “Breitbarts in bernie Bros clothing” trolls today.

It makes me wonder if most of those who claim online they won’t vote for HRC if Bernie loses the nomination, might actually be right wing trolls posing as faux Bernie supporters, because it just makes no sense.