
The lack of women in tech industries almost all positions of power and influence means there’s less people who think about problems that women are likely to encounter.

Dudebro techies unaware of rape as a crisis that might come up? Say it ain’t so.

Interestingly enough, it’s the same word but different spelling when people ask where you exe has disappeared to as he hasn’t been seen in months.

A similar situation came to light three years ago when Apple’s problems with its suicide prevention options came to light. After users reported that stating “I want to jump off a bridge” to Siri sometimes led to a list of nearby bridges.

Or compare indentured servitude to slavery. No. Indentured servitude has a beginning, middle and end, AND you weren’t considered 3/5 of a human being.

Lol. The 1/16 Cherokee is SO TRUE! All white people are special little snowflakes, don’t ya know?

If your point is that feminism needs to be more inclusive, absolutely. But that does not mean that what they fight for does not benefit all women. I’m a feminist woman of color, myself. And I participate. Perhaps white women have more time to focus on feminist issues, while POC are busy fighting for racial equality

I have a weird ancestry. My father emigrated from India. On my mother’s side, her father emigrated from Norway, but her mother’s distant ancestors were prolific slave traders in the Northeastern United States. I am a composite of so many disparate parts, it feels so much like a microcosm of this country.

And you just KNOW that there are people who mutter angrily to themselves or their spouse when they see a Handicap parking space where they aren’t allowed to park.

The same way that MRA’s are upset that women are a much higher percentage of rape victims and domestic violence victims and thus try to discredit actual victims and conflate their own victimhood to make themselves feel better.

Yeah, I was saying the same thing. A sign of privilege is that you don’t have to settle for celebrating whiteness, because you have the luxury of celebrating your particular white ancestry and country of origin. Society gives nuance to their whiteness.

Or months that begin.

Yeah, in fact, whiteness is celebrated so much in this country, that in fact, nobody celebrates JUST whiteness, they celebrate the particular origin of their whiteness (which European country their ancestors came from). Those idiots complaining don’t seem to grasp this concept.

We can make up for not providing black GI’s with financial aid. Let’s pay for their grandchildren’s education and provide financial aid for them to buy a home. Part of reparations. And let’s provide everyone who is a decedent of slaves with reparations, including pay for all of the work done by their ancestors

Point taken. Although reproductive rights benefit ALL women. Particularly women who don’t have time, or money, or resources, or opportunities.

One way or another, it’s going to be fascinating to see how it unfolds. It will either be spectacular or a huge disappointment.

When I volunteered with a rape crisis support org, I worked with gay, trans, and het cis men who were dedicated to countering sexual violence against women.

I would say a big “no” to this:

Yeah, I don’t want to rub my thigh against some stranger manspreading on the subway.

But because women have to take the pill on a daily basis, think of the prohibitive cost of paying out of pocket for birth control pills? If they are a prescription, they are covered by insurance. Insurance does not cover otc medications. So we are right back to where we started. Women being denied insurance coverage