
It’s so damn hypocritical. Even the Catholic Church supports Viagra. If the Christian Taliban were being intellectually honest, then they would demand that a male not be allowed access to Viagra or other ED pills through their insurance UNLESS the men prove that it’s solely for procreation and they must be married at

Why are there more men than women in ANY position of power?

You mean the same Catholic Church that burned women at the stake?

No, no, no! Birth Controls pills are provided by Santa Claus. Everyone knows that! (It’s what he does the other 364 days of the year). Which is why Santa is an anagram for Satan, of course.

A white male conservative supreme court justice embarrassed at being unprepared and uninformed? Gasp! What are you? A communist or something? (And now I attach my favorite pic):

When I started reading this article, I thought at first, that they were asking if they could be presented with alternatives to contraception. You know, like the rhythm method or prayer or some such nonsense. Shows how little of think of the male justices on the Supreme Court.

how do they not just see that for themselves??

Honestly, I would like a study done on progressive men and their attitudes towards women. What you stated about their political views is absolutely true, but the life experiences of so many women, with progressive men, makes me wonder just how evolved they really are in terms of gender equality. I don’t really know

Thanks, I will add this book to my Amazon wish list.

Yeah, but my problem is that a lot of progressive men simply take it for granted. They don’t treat it as the priority that it is, because they don’t have to. It’s one of the benefits of privilege. Look at any picture of a protest for reproductive rights, and you find 90% women, and 10% men.

Men who hate women, hate them, because they fear our power, and one of the only ways they feel they can control us, is to control our bodies. The thing that scares these men so much is the idea of women not needing a man. If a woman can have sex whenever and wherever she wants, then she is free to reject a man or

Maybe this election, Texas will turn into a swing state. There are millions of unregistered Latino voters in Texas. Maybe the prospect of a Trump presidency will change that. Would love it if at least a few of those assholes in the Texas legislature were voted out of office.

Geesh. Everyone knows that pregnancy is God’s punishment for slutty slutting slut-like sluts who act like sluts*!

Sure they are.....................slutty slut slutness, sure they are. *sarcasm* (just in case you thought I was serious!)

The UK is socialized medicine. The doctors and hospitals are paid directly by the government. That is different than single payer health insurance which pays for private doctors.

I feel like, if you take into account the history of Westeros; particularly that it was ruled by Targaryens, and that they ruled in strong part because of the power that they wielded through their dragons, it is a foreshadowing of how the author wants to end the story. To come full circle. The Targaryens are the

Oh sure, Bernie Sanders is the only democrat (fake democrat) whose ever cared about the poor or campaign finance. Before he came alone, democrats were tying poor people to stakes and using them for target practice. No one has ever cared until him. *Sarcasm*

Libertarianism is all about expecting people to fend for themselves and having no social safety net. Socialism is the government fending for people and a having a huge safety net. The only thing that libertarianism has in common with left wing policies are the “live and let live” attitude towards things like

Oh yeah, I forgot about Bran. He destroys the White Walkers and becomes the king beyond the wall.

Sexism is everywhere. It’s exhausting.