the pirate Neckbeard

@Slinkytech: more important question: Will there even be photog contests now that Frucci is gone?

And then, when the next hurricane or tsunami passes through town, everyone drowns. Good plan

I can't even fold paper maps back up properly, how the hell am I supposed to fold this ridiculous contraption back up without breaking it? Well, you know, back when I still used paper maps.

I was wrong...apparently it's not a laser-powered cheese slicer. And here I was getting my hopes up.

If the scissor movement is powered by magnets why bother with the standard scissor design at all? Having your fingers in the standard loops will just cause unwanted resistance to the movement unless you move perfectly along with the repulsion/attraction forces.

I've got the Chase acct, I've got the app update....someone write me a check so I can try this out.

Ya know what theaters should do when people pull out their cell phones during a movie? Pause/Stop the movie.

@Sumada: You're still looking at it the wrong way. It's pointing out that of all the things that happen, only a small portion of them are things you suspected might happen and an even smaller portion are the things you hoped would happen. Those little circles aren't inclusive of ALL the things that you suspected or

Well, at least it's one less douche bag getting in my way at the beach. You know, cuz that's what I like to do with my week of vacation instead of sitting on a street corner waiting to buy a fucking cell phone that a million other people are going to have within the following 12 hours anyway.

@gizgizgiz: I knew I shouldn'tve commented so early in the day. My sarcasm detector hasn't fully booted up yet apparently.

Oh boy, I sure hope my new iPhone arrives on the 24th....even though I didn't order one.

@Xeno: Seriously! Is it really THAT important to have one on release day (maybe!)?

@gizgizgiz: looking past the technical roadblocks inherent in this...then passengers can't use it either, or people on trains, in cabs, etc. For the most part other people would be glad that you can't use it in those public settings but still, to build it into the device is overstepping a bit

@antpwny: Dear everyone, please ignore my idiocy and just focus on the pseudo-funny part.

Foxconn scrapping suicide compensation to avoids deaths, bankruptcy

@Gaucho85: You stole the text right off my TwitterPeek

@MisterHister: Yea, I wasn't sure which way to go on this one: sarcastic or stupid? Then I thought, "Hey, he's on twitter."