The Other Mike

Yeah, this guy must have never heard “Brick Houses of the Holy” by Dread Zeppelin.

I am surprised you did not mention “flivver”. That term was popular in the 1910's - 1930's and can be found in the “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and in some of short stories by Sinclair Lewis.

I like to go into a wine shop or better grocery store and tell the advisor, “I would like a red wine that I can use to cook with a roast beef, then drink the rest with dinner.”

I remember a guy’s cat who would come up and sit on the table every time we smoked weed and noticeably sniff the smoke repeatedly. You can’t tell me it wasn’t doing that on purpose.

So did the medieval Scholastics. It is emperical testing of hypotheses that makes modern science work.

A “swan song” perhaps?

Yeah, since we’ve leaned hard into barbarism on the border, who cares about maintaining a 365.24 day solar year.

Yeah, this is true.  Jimi Hendrix was never abusive the way that "before fame" bio-pic showed him.

Man, that lady could jam. There are some videos from the 50's where she is shredding to gospel songs like it’s 1975.

Woah, now I’ve got vertigo.

Will you approve a new season of AV Undercover?

Let’s have a song:

For some years, I have wanted to go back to 1984 with a screenplay adapting the end-of-the-world novel “Lucifer’s Hammer” to a feature length movie.

“Cheese-dick chord suspensions”

I have been known to hand a bank teller an empty envelope after making a deposit and say, “Would you throw this away for me, please?

How do I grate horseradish on a box grater without it (and my knuckles) becoming bloody?

Mmm, did you offer your hand in marriage? 

I, too, scarf down canned herring like a Bernard Malamud character, but did you not see where she clearly said NO SEAFOOD? Kate does not want to sit next to your stinky ass or mine.

I like that they chose a thick woman to model the pink swimsuit.

I like that they chose a thick woman to model the pink swimsuit.