The Other Mike

My world of flops was probably THE series that I most missed. Very pleased to have it back and, yeah, Madame Web seems the perfect relaunch. 

I really like the “scrubbing any AI-generated content” bit. I don’t know how much AI stuff the old regime eventually put up (they could have put a bunch under fake bylines), but the pieces they declared as generated by “the AV Club Bot” dried up pretty quickly. That Paste is going so far as to say “we’re wiping out

“They’ll Need A Crane” by They Might Be Giants

“...we’ve been busy working to migrate the site off of Kinja and onto our own platform. There are a lot of changes in the works—scrubbing any AI-generated content; hiring a new editor-in-chief; bringing back some familiar writers and adding some new ones we hope you’ll like;”

I’m seein’ double! FOUR Michael Pitts!

I once had a roommate who loved Kevin James in “The King of Queens.” Not ironically. Not while stoned. I mean, actually, genuinely enjoyed the show. That always baffled me!

Any sympathy you have for ZTB disappears once you do 30 seconds of research into the guy. He was arrested for assaulting his wife, and mother of his four kids a couple years back. Turns out he was cheating on his wife with another woman, who he got pregnant. The wife files for divorce, he immediately gets engaged to

A reboot wouldn’t need Richardson, because it’s obvious that at least some time in the intervening 25 years, Jill Taylor 100% would have wised up and left her asshat of a husband. Tim Taylor in 2024 is definitely a divorced sad dad living bitterly alone, unable to grasp how his current state of a affairs is a direct

I think there’s a compelling story in the waves he (supposedly) made around him. He’s basically rolling into a powder-keg situation, where people are occupied by a powerful empire and waiting for a hero, and instead here comes this hippie pacifist who doesn’t seem to give a fuck, and is also challenging the

As someone says elsewhere in the comments, it would be interesting to see an adaptation of Reza Aslan’s The Zealot.

I actually think an adaptation based on Reza Aslan’s book Zealot: the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth would be super interesting (and that book is also really interesting, even to someone like me, who is destined to burn forever in the lake of fire).

The musical “Children of Eden” has a fun/interesting take on Genesis. The first act is the Garden of Eden and the second act is Noah’s Ark. But it’s not a bunch of proselytizing dross like Kirk Cameron produces, it really does treat it like a story and it’s quite affecting (IMO).

Even in my younger days when I was actively religious I never understood the appeal of the story of Jesus as a story. Who is interested in watching a perfect person go around being perfect with everyone? Sounds dull as hell no matter how well made.

Have to ask permission to fix his own bloody car? What backwards-ass nonsense is this?  if I told my dad this story he’d lose his shit. He repairs classic cars. And is always complaining about new stuff.  This might be one of the few times I agree with him.

It doesn’t.  The original lead up to the love scene was longer, as was the actual romance between Harold and Maude.  Film stills exist that clarify this, but it is rarely mentioned that the film was “severely” edited by the studio.  The film’s original trailer includes scenes not seen in the actual movie as well.

I grew up using my grandmothers ancient crank ricer. It worked so much better than my giant garlic press version.

West Indies, East Indies, who can tell?

whereas “bagel” isn’t as widespread for, uh, whatever reason.

I seriously never know that "Player's Ball" was originally a Christmas song. Never expected to learn rap trivia from the AVC.