The Other Mike


Everything you said makes perfect sense except “A hard head makes a soft ass”. What the hell does that mean!?

If I let fear of salmonella stop me, I couldn’t make homemade egg nog, another “dangerous” foodstuff that has never hurt me.

Why was Scott Pruitt dining with a record company in the early nineties? People need to know!

Baruch Dayan Emes.

Aww. All my Goodwill Hunting stories are about finding a sweater for $3.

I had not-very-good sex with my future wife on our first date.


This makes me mad. I wanna go there, eat a big meal and try to pay with cash. If they refuse, I’ll walk out. If they try to get lippy or threaten to call the cops, I’ll tell them off for refusing to accept my perfectly good money. If the cops come, I’ll tell them I have every intention of paying, the restaurant just

You do not need 6 hours to make a stock. I was very impressed with a recipe from Cooks Illustrated/America’s Test Kitchen that I used to make chicken soup for Passover. They have you brown and turn chicken pieces in a dutch oven, then simmer them with onions, carrots, and celery for 45 minutes to an hour. It made a

If there is not a cult for this movie, then we should start one.

Deep Purple, Machine Head:

Great choice. It was bugging me that I couldn’t list four, thus leaving out side A of Led Zeppelin I and Led Zeppelin IV.

The Pretenders, Learning to Crawl:

My little girl turning into Masha would certainly be a victory of the evil forces.

It is good someone remembers that. A generation passed, for good and for ill.

In principle, I agree with you. Manufacturers should have the foresight to deal with the fact that public tastes can be fickle when gas spikes or the economy tanks. Unfortunately, long lead times makes it difficult to react as quickly as they would need to, and automakers have a bad habit of crying to the government

Is chuck usually $7 / lb where you live? I thought that hunk should have run about 15-20 bucks.

Yes. Chuck in a conventional oven at 250 degrees for 3-6 hours (depending on size) can get similar results. Plenty of salt, use a lid, and keep the door closed.

Like every other price in an unregulated matket-based system: by what people will pay.