The Other Mike

I love it! I wanna play as Langston Hughes reading one of the Jesse B Semple stories.

Absolutely. The supermarkets that don’t have a broaster (pressure fryer) make soggy, crappy ones. I feel sorry for all these people that only know the supermarket/gas station ones.

In the Akron and Canton area of Ohio, they are almost always called Jo Jos (see Kraus’s Pizza makes better ones than the supermarkets because all their locations have a real broaster (pressure fryer).

There is not yet enough choice! For example, why can’t I buy a big bag of gribenes?

I shouldn’t wear clothes when I iron? I got burned trying that frying chicken.

The collared shirt was the only clue.

No. I’ve been following him for a couple of weeks and it is an accurate statement of his interpersonal style and (presumably) his race. He’s a pretty cool guy that thinks things out, but he has better manners than he lets on. You’ll like him.

Then why do they complement each other so nicely in the morning, smartie? It’s not a bit like pasta and antipasto leaving you hungry.

Talking out if one’s ass is so incredibly common that it is hardly a Lincoln-Kennedy level of coincidence.

As long as enough children were produced beforehand, evolution does not select against maladaptive behaviors as much as you think it does.

Looking through my grandmother’s “Fairmount Cookbook” put out by the Fairmount Temple Sisterhood in 1957, I’m struck by how easy many of the recipes are. After being accustomed to today’s browning, then deglazing; whipping then folding; brining, resting, patting dry; etc, the simplicity of throwing it all together is

Quite a gap from 1963 to 1982.

Is it OK to ask for a clean glass?

A real Roger Stone protégé would have done something sneakier, nastier, and less prosecutable. Like so many mentors, he ends up disappointed.

It is your local government that gets googly-eyed at large corporations and is indifferent to local businesses. Not really this guy’s fault. Also, Napster, then streaming services killed both types of businesses equally. The world changes and not every business can last 100 years.

I am so glad I don’t go to places that have either of those.

Why is covering a birthmark a good filter for shady tattoo artists?

Um, could you be more specific? All I can think of is hubris or oblivious and those are states of being, not a type of person.

Haha. That is a great analogy. I tried to listen to his podcast interviewing some specific people I was interested in, and it . . . wasn’t that good. He tries to display empathy with his voice mannerisms, but it felt off. I guess listening to Terry for too many years has spoiled me.