The Other Mike

Whenever I see white asparagus, I think, “Bunniculla was here!”

What kind of car uses lug bolts instead of lug nuts?

Hmm. I do like to mention the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and Title IX when people are ragging on Nixon. Not that I have much liking for that scuzball, but that legislation he signed did have real substance and positive repercussions.

The Snowy Day

I would like to express my support and approval for the picture at the top of this article. With both hands.

A middle school teacher in my town got horribly disfigured a couple of years ago when kids were throwing big rocks off a highway bridge and it came through her windshield.

Does Candace know that she actually spoke the truth when she said, “Fake news is the reason that conservatives are winning right now, because they can’t stop lying. They’re pathological.”?

Scheißesser is a useful term, but it needs another syllable or two to capture how much he loves it.

If you want to listen to someone who actually did an actual controlled scientific study on this, listen to MPR’s Science Friday from last week. A Harvard professor played blind various types of music from various cultures to people from other cultures around the world.

What they really need is to use more Country Joe and the Fish.

You call “Centerfield” a novelty and “The Old Man Down the Road” a rewrite? Who are you, one of Saul Zaentz’s minions?

Exactly. They have great love for the fictional Jews of their imagination, who will soon be saved in this end-times drama, but have great contempt for actual Jews in America and Israel when they don’t go along with their fevered delusions.

Yeah. How can this be? Don’t all markets eventually get saturated at some point?

The neural network between your ears might be up to the task.

If my kid wrote that review, I’d make them delete it start from scratch.

The ones TNT made in the 90's (“Abraham”, “Moses”, etc) at least showed character flaws and tried to be movies first. They also hewed quite close to the original stories.

Do you usually ride between the lanes to pass people illegally?

In the context of slavery, it is horrible to refer to people like pieces of wood, but in a contemporary setting, I don’t see a problem with calling someone a seasoned professional.

Actually “Eenie meenie miny mo” comes from the first four natural numbers in Celtic languages and existed in Ireland centuries before it migrated to America and picked up a racist second line.

No. “Seasoned” was already in use, meaning wood that had sat for a time after being cut to make it more suitable for use. Any use by slavers was copied from that original usage, so no one today should be ashamed to say “seasoned.”