The Other Mike

Why doesn't anyone point out that he talks just like Jingle from "The Pickwick Papers".

Conspiracy hobbitses are the worst. Have you ever heard them go on about this great lidless, all-seeing eye that wants to make everyone slaves to its will?

Hey! Lillian Gish did nothing to deserve this being named after her!

As the basis for small "r" republicanism giving the laity the right to judge their representatives?

Reagan was an FBI plant to infiltrate the SAG and report back to Hoover who had communist connections.

Nobody is mentioning Will Geer, aka Grandpa Walton?

Thank you for your kind words, but it is more likely that I was attempting to be a pedant, a less beautiful thing.

I could be a pendant and say these were cooked on a griddle (a heated flat surface), not a grill (a grated surface over heat). Smashing a burger against an actual grill is a phenomenally bad idea; it will go through it be destroyed.

Low self esteem?

Yeah, glad someone still plays Zeppelin!

We got komptromat on him, so my bitch will keep dishin'.

Yay, just like in all the children's books!

I can just see it. A certain kind of Yeshivish guy yelling back at the Haredi in Yiddish, telling him he's full of shit. Ha ha ha.

When I was twelve or so, the scene in Tom Petty's video for "Don't Come Around Here No More" really freaked me out when they start to carve up Alice like a giant Wonderland cake. I think I remember running for the bathroom.

Interesting that you picked a scene that is more disturbing psychologically than a physical gross-out. The Koreans are being picked on with their store being vandalized and there is some minor physical assult, but the climax of the scene is when they slowly pour gallons of milk on the Korean lady, a minor crime on

Alexandria? Gary? Dallas? Portland?

Wow, "Western Civilization" must not mean what I thought it did.

"You gotta admit, I played this country like a harp from Hell."

Who knows? I still haven't figured out what an ass-hat is.

According to this article on Ancient Egypt: