The Other Mike

As long as everyone can agree that an Oreo is a sandwich . . .

I always eat all the way around the perimeter first, then separate the two halves like an Oreo.

Blonde chicks?

I did not like the Alien and Sedition acts.

Roger Daltry?

A question: Was Jackson the only president to willfully disobey a supreme court order?

So who do you think the worst pope was?

That is why Norman Davies' book is called "The Isles" even though it is a history of what is traditionally called "The British Isles". He did not feel comfortable using a name loaded with imperialist meanings to tell the history of both Britain and Ireland.

I found an old Parliament/Funkadelic cassette that I bought in the early nineties and put it in the tape deck while making apple turnovers for my son's birthday.

The way I keep them straight is that "undulating" is James Herriot describing the teats or ribcage of a cow, while "ululating" is Sephardic women partying or grieving.

The irony would be greater if they were ululating "BEN-GHA-ZIIIIII!"

While I do not know the man personally, everyone I have ever spoken too on the subject has confirmed that Mel Gibson is an asshole. Yet I think he is a great comic actor in Lethal Weapon and Maverick.

I thought he did well in American History X.

Barf . . .

I was hoping the Osbornes would cure that, but obviously not.

Do universities have a way to report non-educational crap like that? I mean it's not a history professor with unconventional views to be protected by academic independence. What does that shit have to do with English?

Don't need to bother with a sear step. It is already browned from being in the oven air for hours.

I also like to cook beef around 200-225. It helps cheaper cuts' texture too, but I don't think the final sear isn't really necessary. It is already browned from being in the oven air for hours.

I would far rather have a US remake of "Back in Time for Dinner". The variety you could get from mining ethnic cultures would give you a lot more material.

John Mellencamp