The Other Mike

Does anyone have the recipe for Schwetty Balls?

A stopped clock is right twice a day, but a clock that runs at the wrong speed is almost never right. It only rarely coincides with the real time when their cycles match up. This could be once a year or once a decade.

"Working Girls" directed by Lizzie Borden

Christians, at least serious ones, often dig a Passover seder. You know who doesn't? Egyptophiles with ankh tattoos.

I don't think I've ever seen a Veggie Tales Passover, but I know I saw a Veggie Tales video where Miriam has a chip on her shoulder about this new baby they were trying to hide. She has to get over de Nile and learn to be a big sister. Pretty close.

Are you unfamiliar with Steak-and-Shake?

I think that there were several phrases like "fartknocker" and "dumbass" that were regionalisms that Mike Judge brought to the whole country.

Classy ;-)

I have no idea. He expressed great professional admiration for her feat of comedy, but they both seem like difficult people to get along with.

You had to run this article during Pesach, Ilana? (so hungry . . . dreaming of bagels)

Not true. Louis was a big booster of her after the "I have cancer" set.

I would hope that if she had something to say to Louis she would say it privately. Louis was instrumental in telling the world to watch her "I have cancer" set a few years ago. Most of us would never have heard of Tig without Louis's promotion, verbally and on his website. It got her on Fresh Air, she got to do

FDIC, not FSLIC, but still awesome.

They do among a certain set of people. I've seen it with my own eyes. They don't look all that comfortable.

He should grow a beard.

It is well executed, entertaining, and respectful of the source material, but any movie that derives from an intricate, detailed novel has to cut away much archana.

Or they'll continue to be roughly half the population for the foreseeable future. All us liberals, people of color, feminists, gays, believers in fair play, etc need to make more babies (yes, gays too).

Great overlooked Chicago stories:

"The Power of Love"?

"ran NATO right up to their doorstep"