The Other Mike

Yeah. Didn't everyone assume that A.A. Dowd was Maureen's dad, his writing style differentiated from hers by a lack of mixed metaphors and idioms with off-by-one errors?

Agreed, but why do they give airtime to 24 year old? When I was 24, some of my political positions were obnoxious and not well thought out. Of course she is parroting what she has been told. It would be noteworthy if she were not.

May I hear their names, please?

Just like Merchant of Venice!

I am so glad Katzenberg made Prince of Egypt before this became a thing.

It is a good movie that any other animation house should be proud of, but the tone did not feel like a Disney movie to me. The guns, the amoral crew. Did it even have songs?

Sade: Love Deluxe and Lovers Rock

I miss you . . . Like the deserts miss the rain . . .

Pashed, yazoos. I love your slang.

They don't have a manual?

As someone who has only encountered Alsatians in James Herriot books, I never knew they were talking about German Shepherds.

Yeah! Just like "The Sound of Music".

No. Israeli Arabs (both Muslim and Christian) are full citizens with voting rights and representatives in the Knesset. Palestinians are not citizens of Israel because they were not in the country in 1948 and not citizens of Jordan because they refused to take them in 1967. Thus they are stuck stateless. I think

Have you seen "Real Men"? John Ritter, Jim Belushi, and a hilarious script. Still funny today.

One would usually have a trial to ensure due process . . .

I'm not gonna let them stop me from using parentheses.

"Off for years". Who can tell these days? My kids still watch it on Netflix or Hulu or something.

Wow, are you this hard on other crappy action/period pieces like Bruce Willis's "Last Man Standing"?

You point out a real concern. I do not particularly want to buy Internet-enabled appliances. This IOT hype of the last few years has me nervous. Forget your house, why would it be desirable to hook up the water supply to the internet? The traffic lights? Ate we begging for collusion between hackers and terrorists

It might be forgiveable if the character is rather innocent and idealistic. She would be continuing Dostoyevsky's idea of the "holy fool".