The Other Mike

Are you trying to hypnotize me?

The more recent kids sitcoms are still inane: ICarly, Jessie, Wizards of Waverly Place, Suite Life of Whoever.

"The powerful cough syrup was developed in the 1950s"

That led me to an amusing book that I'll have to read now:

Is that where the Hell's Kitchen kids go to jail, get raped, and get revenge?

Intriguing, never read this before. It implys that gerrymandering would be strategically useful in two out of three cases:

Exactly, companies complain about the high cost of benefits and it has operational effects like always trying to get by with too few people, but if the costs of adding a person were reduced, you could increase manpower without it hitting the bottom line as hard. The result would be both increased employment and

This author did not forbid anyone (not that he has any authority); he just wrote an opinion piece.

Dunno for sure. We're up to our ass in them around here.

Oh yeah you can. Canton, Ohio culled a couple hundred Canada geese from its parks and gave the meat to soup kitchens and homeless shelters.

** Oval Office meeting != Tijuana Brass photo shoot **


Disagree. From Mark Twain:

Presumably the "Taste of Smithfield Restaurant"

It was the plastic of the previous three millenia.

Well what are you supposed to rhyme with "distortion"? Torsion? Abortion?

And it was way ahead of its time with milk being used as a symbol of white male domination and simulated rape.

She wanted me to ask you if you planned on being a gentleman of the bedchamber. I told her I didn't think you even knew what that meant.

This conflating of paganism and Catholicism was an intentional strategy promoted by Pope Gregory the Great to make Christianity more appealing to the pagans that they were trying to convert in northern Europe.

If Playboy wants readers, they should publish good journalism, short fiction, and interviews, with or without nude pics. They could do some strong investigations like Rolling Stone has been the last several years. Don't try to compete with Maxim.