The people who believed adding 5 decals and a fart can adds 25 HP to their car.
The people who believed adding 5 decals and a fart can adds 25 HP to their car.
Michigan, the South of the North.
Wanna know how you can tell the other guy was speeding? Because you don’t flip around an SUV going 30MPH
Yup, that’s classic Drew Carey! That was from the same special where he said he liked to go to McDonalds and order something that costs like $7.38 and give them $11.82 and just watch because they have no idea what to do.
Bubly, Polar, or Target’s Simply Balanced. All 3 are legit.
I shift between Polar, Bubly, Simply Balanced...whichever is on sale between Target and Publix.
It’s like drinking sparkling water in the afternoon after chewing a piece of tropical fruit gum in the morning.
Sure but let me know the last time you had to empty a complete 20 clip into a deer on a hunt....
When you’re dissatisfied with everything about your life that the only bright spot is your kid....
If your job can be done by a below average 16 year old with a basic education, and all the orientation and training can be completed in the first half of their 7 hour probably shouldn’t be making $45 per hour.
Too many people don’t grasp the concept of businesses like this.
I truly don’t understand the comments on this. It’s a mom and pop pizzeria, not Amazon. $5 profit off a pizza only accounting for overhead costs and not things reinvesting back in the business, emergencies, and all the other unmentioned things before paying yourself doesn’t exactly put you in the 0.1%.
Counselor: “Sorry I couldn’t be there for the valedictorian, I was talking down 3 kids who were about to shoot up our school”
Depending on the commenter being polled, between $20 per hour or more than Jeff Bezos.
When Amazon went to $15/hr there were people who worked there for 10 years who actually saw a decrease in their earnings. I think I read it one here that people who’d regularly meet/exceed quotes for options and bonuses (which they said legitimately weren’t as hard or strenuous as some made them out to be) now had…
There are plenty of smaller sized town on major highways where citizens would legit murder each other for these jobs.
Saw this coming a years ago. They’ve been complaining forever for a $15/hr minimum wage. Companies move to $15/hr.
Don’t forget the beanie
I never quite understood how LivePD gets away with it though.
Being stuck with a crying baby on a airplane is one thing. But a parent ignoring a screaming baby in a restaurant is a whole different game. If the baby/kid gets fussy then you take it outside, away from the rest of the patrons trying to enjoy their meal.