I don’t like most IPAs because I don’t like the ultra hoppy bitter taste of them. I can’t drink more than 1 without feeling dried out and really really thirsty. I want to be able to enjoy my beer and not force myself to continue drinking
I don’t like most IPAs because I don’t like the ultra hoppy bitter taste of them. I can’t drink more than 1 without feeling dried out and really really thirsty. I want to be able to enjoy my beer and not force myself to continue drinking
Most taste the same because it’s a cheap beer to produce and it’s why all craft and micros brew those first. That’s why the craft section of any beer store has about as many IPAs as all other types combined.
If you read my post, i was referring to a different generation. but thanks for playing and take your copypasta elsewhere
Well, the “silent generation” was also forgotten. They were blessed with exceptional job stability and prosperity, and enjoyed the fruits of the sexual revolution but mostly missed out on Vietnam.
Gen X: Started at $14 per hour 15 years ago while going to a school they know they could afford, graduating with little to no debt, getting annual raises off based on working hard and working consistent and now makes $29 per hour.
“What, we’re not entitled at all! All boomers are entitled! Now give us free healthcare, free college where we can graduate and automatically be handed high paying jobs so we can buy a brand new house in a great part of town and a brand new car with all the options so I can take luxurious vacations every month!”
But now, unlike GenX, millenials have instantaneous access to bitch about everything endlessly from a small device in their hands.
Complain about it online...because that’s the only thing many people are capable of.
Is ID this decade’s Nickelback or Creed?
It’s the seahawks playing in seattle...they could have pulled a gun and shot Brandin Cooks in the face and still wouldn’t get called for it
If we’re lucky we get a Logan or X2, if we’re unlucky we get any of the 3 Fantastic 4's, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, or Apocalypse.
They do that so the outcome can be as vague as possible so it can be tweaked as necessary
Roethlisberger takes that tackle, gets up, shakes it off and laughs.
Before the collarbone, Tom Brady was the only QB who could get a RtP flag while still having the ball. Although can newton is probably happy as all hell because that little diva wants a flag if anyone comes near him.
Literally no one else has been able to replicate what Marvel did. Disney just found out that even Star Wars can’t be Marvel. The success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a once-in-a-lifetime, never-gonna-happen-again freak occurrence.
Suicide Squad could have been the perfect antithesis of Marvel movies, but instead they force Will Smith playing Will Smith and tried to emulate Guardians of the Galaxy but with more edgelord.
Bitch, studies have proven gamers are better at sex!
I suppose that the DCU just doesn’t have, or hasn’t found, its Kevin Feige. The “one good goddamn movie” they’ve done, Wonder Woman truly could have been a glorious re-re-start of their universe. It’s not like DC (and Marvel) haven’t rebooted their worlds dozens of times in comics.
That’s it, and that’s the problem with other studios. They want to pump out a movie with big stars attached to the next 3 movies instead of...writing a decent movie
It’s a league that knows how to protect Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Russel Wilson, and maybe Drew Brees. I don’t think they ever pretended anyone else was important.