
In the Packers/Redskins game Rodger was literally thrown...thrown to the ground...and that was a no call.

the next thing they need to do is define what Pass Interference is...because Julio and Hooper got wrapped up 3 times and no call, but an Eagles receiver get his back tapped...and Falcons got flagged.

Watching the first half of that game it is abundantly clear either someone is holding a ref’s family hostage or that game was rigged to comical levels.

He’ll whine to the refs to a Roughing the Passer flag when he still has the football.

UPDATE: Sam Bradford will be out for the remainder of the season after that play

They move to Adidas or Puma, because they read post somewhere on Facebook about their “ties” to Nazi Germany

I’ve been hooked on Widow Jane since christmas. It’s about $70-80 down here but damn it’s worth it.

People who stay up on the facts and see the back outcomes will keep their kids from playing. However, those who doesn’t, or those seeking fame and glory, will gladly continue to put their bodies on the line.

That doesn’t stop them from jumping on the dead-horse-beating bandwagons.

Alabama fans are rather insufferable, as are Auburn fans...we have a die hard auburn fan at work whose only rebuttal about another team is “who do they play?” She flipped out and started rambling incoherently when I responded “Well, they don’t play Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Kentucky, Vandy, South Carolina,

1. Dress comfortably. Unless you’re going directly to or directly from a business or formal engagement you don’t need to wear a 3 piece suit with uncomfy dress shoes or an evening gown with heals. Honestly, you’re not there to impress anybody so go comfy.

The only way they could come out of this is admit the faults, take ownership and use it as a catalyst to genuinely correct the wrongs of the company. Become the Costco or Publix of the pizza industry. Beat the other pizza chains by offering higher wages, which can attract the better talent and make people care about

Fellow gamer/gun owner as well, and I’ve played some violent games.  The worst a game has made me do is throw a controller (we’ve all been there lol)

And certain groups of incels actually believe in and condone rape being legal because they are owed sex for feeeemales...thinking they should be given 13-17 year old virgins because that’s when they’re in their sexual prime with any woman over the age of 20 who is no longer a virgin is absolutely sexual undesirable.

I was checking out of a hotel one morning as a furry convention was starting.  The lobby was full of so many socially awkward people, many of whom were some cute girls.  It was uncomfortable how painfully awkward many of those people were, but good lord I hope people were getting laid that night.

I was checking out of a hotel that was just starting up their furry convention that day and holy lord i felt uncomfortable because so many of them were painfully socially awkward.

Kid who treats everybody like shit is upset nobody came to his birthday party.

A dude’s primary weak point, as well as his only means of reproduction, is positioned front-and-center, unguarded, and only needs a the littlest bit of focused pressure or impact and it will drop him immediately. Seriously makes me question intelligent design.

I never thought it was a big deal, and I caught for a few years.  But they forced me to wear one anyways.  Then that one errant pitch in the 6th grade hit me in the cup and down I went.