Part bad joke, part poor delivery.
Part bad joke, part poor delivery.
It was great when it’s people who’ve been in the business for decades and have actual, legitimate stuff to get roasted on. Hugh Hefner was pure classic, Pam Anderson, David Hasselhoff, Flava Flav, William Shatner, Bob Saget, Joan Rivers, Charlie Sheen.
I can. There are a LOT of people like that...who think the rules shouldn’t have to apply to them.
Even if just for their bakery. Their bread is phenom!
Or tried to bring their ESA hamster on a plane and flush it down the toilet when they’re told no
The highway has speed limits of 70MPH, but you can’t have a constant speed of 70MPH when driving from your house to your grandma’s because you’re going through residential and commercial roads with different speeds.
That’s like blaming Ford, who states their car can go 150MPH, but you’re driving on a bumpy dirt road with lots of twists and turns.
Or it might be “People faced the same problems you did 20 years ago”
Because up to 2008 the state of the nation was a MUCH different place.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Chris Pratt is nothing more than a generic goofball.
The ESPN 30 for 30 did a long bit on that guy; Catching Hell.
Earlier in the year a kid called in a bomb threat to our high school and he got immediately expelled. Later in the year another guy called in a bomb threat...and was able to finish out his credits at home and walk with our graduating class. The difference between the 2...the guy who graduated was the son of a…
It’s the same basic plotline every season. They do something which could be groundbreaking, Hooli tries to screw them over at every turn, Martin Starr says something borderline offensive, TJ does drugs, they try to make a stronger effort to get ahead, one of ‘em inadvertently makes the situation worse, they’re on the…
Ah, Amazon’s annual garage sale...where they try to sell of the cheap generic headphones and crappy toys that are overstocking their warehouses.
This is a law in Ohio? I’ve been to a few strip clubs in my day and some of them are a tad interactive. They may put a hand on the guy’s should or arm all the way to sitting on their laps trying to solicit lap downright playing with willing women patrons while on stage.
Jesus, i saw it on the header and thought it was new....until i read the dates on these comments
Like Weird Al x 1,000 of the rap world
I still wanna believe “rappers” like him and Fat Nick designed a rapper persona when they were 11 years old and made a bet with someone...then just kinda rolled with it.