
Found it...

I thought she was replaced because she killed someone in a car accident IRL

The cynic in me is screaming this is mostly for PR, but the hopeful part wants to believe it’s actually a good thing they’re doing and trying to be the first to introduce this. Yeah it’s gonna be ball-crunching expensive this gen, but with the R&D out of the way hopefully it’ll become affordable, and the norm in

Region locking and game-sharing-licensing were 2 more of the giant nails they hammered into their own coffin.

That’s what MS does. They offer options but nickle and dime the fuck out of you to get to that point. Just look at the differences in the controllers. PS3 has a self-contained controller rechargeable controller with a battery that lasted forever. The Xbox controller came with AA batteries that’s you have to swap

We’re in the era where all jumpscares are build-ups to a fakeout, and just when you think it’s safe OMFGITSRIGHTTHERE

Don’t forget CelebrityMovieArchive

their unwillingness to offer a more diverse product line, like their competitors do

They don’t wanna look into buying a used motorcycle, they just want a platform to complain about how they can’t afford a new one as though it will somehow magically fix the situation.


I bought some about a year ago because I never tried it, and never got around to opening it. Guess it’ll stay sealed for a while.

In all honesty, was this the only take they did or was this the best take? Because that eh scientist guy eh eh is uh terrible at presentation.

Hold my hissing beer

I remember when 20oz Coke would cost $.99 in a cooler at the checkout aisle.

Wouldn’t this just give them more leeway?

Sounds like her and this lovely gal would be wonderful friends...2 crazy peas in the same pod.

I didn’t mind the birthday cake. but i was a little let down by the chocolate chip cookie dough and the low low amount of actual cookie dough pieces...but then i remembered i’m eating low calorie ice cream and accepted the trade off.

It’s not unlike gladiator matches of old. Then, we watched them fight for their lives and kill for our enjoyment. Then came pro sports where we watch men knock each other retarded (and still do). Now...we throw accusations and watch them squirm on live TV and get torn to shreds

I think he has something he wants to tell us but can’t admit to it outright...