
It’s fully understandable if it’s people pointing pistols directly at the camera, has a gun next to drugs and money, glorifying gang life, or is just doing unscrupulous things with em. But to outright say “we’re banning all pictures of guns” is where common sense is clearly pushed to the side.

I think she’s just incredibly overrated as an actress and she always looks so bored on screen; especially in the X-Men movies.

If you’re an avid hunter it’s also a good way to find matches with similar hobbies.

If the person is an avid hunter, if might help. I live in the south and have seen a LOT of women with at least 1 hunting-related pic in their profile.

If we’re gonna get nitpicky then we need to ban women with pictures of snapchat filters and duckfaces.

As a guy who lives in the south, there are also a LOT of pictures of women with hunting guns and at the pistol range.

Very few people would notice, and then certain critic and sites (jezebel) would lambaste then for “an insulting lack of effort”

Beyond that, even if it is a gun-friendly campus, don’t leave something like that out in plain view. Women should know enough not to leave their purses in plain view in a car...this is just asking for someone to break in and steal it.

And the shipping is already built into the price as it is.

An Evening with Kevin Smith.

I disliked her years ago because she was just obnoxious, annoying and extremely unfunny. People can say whatever they want about politics and opinions for people like her, Kathy Griffith, and Wanda Sykes especially but those are some terribly unfunny people.

This whole thing had me wondering which of my favorite up-and-comers suddenly falling off the map...

The working theory, if the stone ISN’T in Wakanda, is that they’re the best point of defense and resistance (being clearly the most advanced) so he goes to take out a potential threat once and for all.

Never watched it TBH, I only replied with the link to people who were being douchey.

Absolutely, especially Echchamberwhatever. He even doubled down when he got duped.