
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal

So he’s a perfect fit for a trump supporter...

I’m still waiting for Fox to slowly become a hard-core porn channel

95% men, 3% men pretending to be women, 2% women who genuinely signed up but are swarmed by all the men and they leave quickly.

Cris Collinsworth: “Now the Packers are down by 13 with 90 seconds left. All Aaron Rodgers has to do is throw a hail mary bomb into the endzone, then recover an onside kick and throw another touchdown. With a player as dominant as Aaron Rodgers this should be easy...”

Because “banning guns” is the same response to all those scenarios. Look at solving the root cause of those instead of the tool used.

My piece has always been...ok, so we ban guns. They’re illegal to own, buy, and carry. How will that solve the the bullying problem in schools (which is a common cause with these shootings)? How will banned guns prevent the next white cop from shooting an unarmed black civilian? How will it lower the

The beard of his key demographic...

So basically a good and honorable company has to change their policies because too many fuck-heads abused it?

People seem to love Escape (The Pina Colada song), which often gets misattributed to Buffett, because it’s such a fun upbeat song. But then you listen to the lyrics and it’s about a couple who are so bored with each other they are actively searching for sex on the side

Jeff the Muff Diver...

i didn’t feel any sympathy for him because he was an unlikable prick most of the time.

Now playing

One of my favorite stunts was when they lined up and let Jai Alai players sling fruit at their asses.

Dean Sampson: His dad owns Harrison Ford.

Neither did I. Fuck the patriots and fuck tom brady