
Do not be fooled. Android has a rich feature set, but they aren't fully realized. Take it from someone who switched from an iPhone to Android and has regretted it ever since. Glitches are all too common and I have a feeling that icecream is more an attempt to make the OS more stable and catch up to iOS than a need to

Let's be honest. We waited 3 years for an incremental upgrade. That's ridiculous. I think they were caught by surprised by the II's success and just wanted to squeeze every bit of $$ out of it. This is easily the most skippable release ever. Economically, the now reduced-price II makes more sense. And honestly, there

Wait... WHat? You're saying that he shouldn't be punished because he benefitted the most from the piracy? Right... And you actually want art to be free? What about the artist who makes this art? Shouldn't they be compensated?

so so def

I've already sent a telegram.

Pot calling the kettle black. Gizmodo, don't think for a second that most folks still prefer the previous version of the site. This new one still sucks.

Beats me. I never noticed.

How would you track a car with no plates and a VIN that changes every 6 months?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's probably because books have been around centuries before the patent system.

I do this for a living! hmmm. Time to break out the 85 1.2

People forget this guy has the money and the connections and this might be an indication he has more on his plate besides personally directing films. It looks like he's serious about his 3-d production company. And you have to assume he'll have some tv projects in the works aside from films.

You will not convince me to ever touch a bathroom handle. I don't care about percentages—I know what I see on a fairly regular basis—and that's guys who don't wash their hands. Especially in restaurants... It's ridiculous. There is a toe-opener in my favorite eatery but I seldom see anybody use it either. It's a good

You have it exactly right. lol. Which is why I prefer being on the other side of the camera. Edit: I hate the new layout.

I don't think @deuxhero is an idiot at all. Douchebag, yeah. Edit: I like the graphics. Can't wait for the next gen.

I like this watch. Moreover, I need a watch. This, should be the watch to fulfill my need. That is all.

@Dusty Duster: Considering that all news outlets and most journalists (and pundits) have twitter accounts, it definitely counts as a viable news source.

Wait, didn't HP buy Palm? How did Motorola end up with the Folio. And why is this a cool idea now?

@battra92: Congrats, on not having to pay, not the wedding. Ok, the wedding too.

Sounds a bit silly but very plausible. In fact, I imagine this becoming somewhat commonplace in the not to distant future. Kind of like online-dating. At first unbelievable, now, somewhat acceptable. That's the way we're evolving as a society, doesn't seem that strange. It is after all, a digital scrapbook.