
@rjwe87: I've had 2 in 2 days and wished that on the 3rd, that I had another one.

@Dougiefresh91: Obviously you're in the minority so it's more apt to say, we don't know why you didn't like the movie.

@InsanePenguin: Funny, because it's cheaper than both. And that counts for something.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I dunno about that. You forget how small iTunes was when it was first introduced. Then the store became and outright success becoming the number one distributor of music, first online and then period, besting the juggernaut Wal-Mart. That's a lot of money, tied into the ipod eco-system, it

@tumblingwall: As long as the EF mount is in use, there will be no zoom function outside of what you'd do manually with lenses. The biggest feature that could be implemented would be auto-focus (though I imagine most pros would still prefer manual) during filming. In-camera stabilization would be another feat. One I

@tumblingwall: The reasons HDSLRs are so popular are because they outperform similarly priced video cameras. Better low-light performance, better dynamic range, use of existing lenses of high quality, manual controls, Bigger sensors and gobs of depth of field. And courtesy of rigs, allow for a light-weight and easily

@TOCATL: We don't believe you. You need more people!

@BiggieShorty: I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's most likely because at the end of the day they don't want to have to ferry down #two helicopters.

@Nelson: I would approve this statement if I still had my star.

@Philip Han: Um. It's still photography. An camera was used to capture light and create an image. Manipulation may alter the photo but not its origins.

Can't look at B&W without grain. I've been conditioned. Love the look though. I wonder if he's able to change the aperture?

@aja175: I absolutely despise Facebook for iPhone. It's been buggy from the get-go and still lacks basic features or any type of good aesthetic.

@djdare @Dogen Both acceptable responses.

@dtownkid21: Ansel Adams retouched all of his images. That's apart of the process.

@yah5: EXIF wouldn't necessarily point out if he'd 'shopped the image. And the fact it's not there doesn't mean he's trying to hide, just that he didn't save it in a manner where the data was kept.

@fastactingrelief: It's definitely the Clarity filter. HDR would have a bit of a different look to it.

@Haneul: Yeah, HDR existed before Apple decided to make it a buzz-word. That's like saying Gore invented the internets.

@Ian Watson: My guess is that the writer is American and only interested in the US perspective.

I want to compare both videos please.

A lot of people vying for that open copy editor position I see...