The N.W.A

I have started to adopt Tahani’s way of name-dropping (“As I was saying at hot yoga with my friends Harry and Meghan, doesn’t matter where they are Duke and Duchess of, my friend Sting once told me . . .”). Only I don’t know any famous people, so it all comes across as Midwestern sadness (“As I was saying to my friend

Speaking as someone who has been getting burned by new box sets and definitive releases since 1995, I’m beginning to think maybe they don’t actually read this website.

My theory is that there’s a Good Place, but the Bad Place people have been doing something to manipulate the system to get more people into the Bad Place.

Maximum Derek.

I was saying Blum-urns!

Jon Ronson has a pretty good book on the subject, The Psychopath Test.  I also liked The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.

I’m fine with this. But I’m still holding out hope for a Ewan McGregor-starring Obi-Wan movie. He’s too good in the part, and he’s said that he wants to do it. It would be a shame to waste that opportunity.

Kevin Feige is gonna have this guy sent to the Grillotine.

It's " one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", not "America-fuck-yeah with hookers and blow and guns and late stage capitalism"

I’m not clear how something paid for by the government from money taken from taxpayers counts as a victory for capitalism.

I am firmly of the opinion that if you can use the GoT maps as a way to get yourself out of prison, you deserve your freedom.

Woa, hey, cool it with the hot takes.

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy this program and am glad that they are making more of it.

Can someone get me out of the greys?

Whoa-ho-ho we got a contrarian here! Tell us your other hot takes, everyone on the internet is interested. 

These questions really annoy me because I think they’re terrible and the answer is usually very obvious to people that don’t sit around overthinking things.

Congratulations- you have no idea what it’s like to be at the lowest levels of depression, but you’ve spouting off about it anyway.

People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.

You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.