The N.W.A

I’m genuinely not having a moan about it, I just think it’s an interesting situation to think about. I hope they don’t pretend it didn’t happen and actually explore some of the the consequences because it’s be really interesting story wise (as long as they didn’t get too bogged down in it)

That’s another thing I thought about, so if a plane’s pilots got dusted and all it’s non-dusted passengers died in the crash, would they get brought back to or is it just tough luck to them?

How would a world used to feeding 3.5 billion people for 5 years suddenly cope with double that. I guess a bunch of livestock got popped back in to existence but did half of the crops get snapped? Have suddenly loads of fields got double the amount of crops and are going to die because there’s not enough nutrients in

Did the holy cow then kick him in the face? It’s the only thing I can think of to explain that kisser.

Why would you want to do that to yourself? I’m as excited as the next mammal for Endgame but I actually want to be completely cogent for it not half insane on lack of sleep and a diet composed entirely of partially inverted sugar syrup and reconstituted meat sticks.

Dread it. Run from it. Disney still arrives.

‘There are dozens of us! DOZENS!’

Give us the proper HBO adaptation of the book we all want!

Can we all just agree that irrespective of the politics surrounding it Ghostbusters 2016 was mediocre at best. This new film sounds like it’s going to be absolute tosh too.

I haven’t seen the film but by and large I’ve enjoyed the actual songs from the soundtrack (it’s hard to judge the shorter incidental pieces without seeing them in the context of the scenes they were intended to score). I will say though that ‘Unmade’ is the best thing Thom Yorke has produced since 2007’s In

It’s all for the greater good.

Do not, I repeat, do not subscribe to Sinemia. Iit’s got an abysmal score on Trustpilot and from what I’ve read is essentially a scam with people complaining that their membership card never arrived and getting no response from customer service. I thought Lifehacker would be better than to promote someone like this.

This is worst than when Kate Bush said she liked Theresa May. I guess it’s no coincidence the’rey both disconnected from what’s going on in the world and a bit fucking weird.

That’s a shame, I used to really enjoy of the few that did then. Thank you for answer though, and apologies for the undue snark.

Ah shit, I missed my chance to ask a staff member why there was no bloody readers poll last year. I am still disproportionately annoyed about it.

As glad as I am for the renewal I hope they increase the budget for next series even if that means a reduced number of episodes. I admire the conceit of having the show take place largely in the same location but across 2 different time zones as a cost cutting measure but it’s meant the episodes have lacked variety

If the season 4 remix has achieved anything it’s that it at least seems to indicate Mitch Hurwitz is aware of the problems with the original versions scattering of the cast in to separate stories and the bloated episode runtimes. Colour me at least partially optimistic.

He halted the recovery operations at Ground Zero as soon as they’d got all the silver and gold back meaning the last human remains of 9/11 victims ended up buried there or worst in a landfill. Tells you everything you need to know about the man.

Yes ALL shows