The N.W.A

The Kraken Wakes and The Chrysalids are my favourite, both of which are ripe for film or TV adaptations. I'm kind of surprised in fact I'm kind of surprised The Chrysalids hasn't been turned in to a film during the clamour for young adult screen adaptations over the last few years.

Raw meat, and plenty of it. You break an egg on it, add in some salted anchovies, tobasco and worsterchire sauce…If you want, we can order up some for you.

Now I'm not getting at you but have you read it? I'd just like to know if that's your informed opinion upon finishing the book or a knee-jerk reaction to what you perceive it to be.

He's knocking at the front door. Now he's knocking at the back door.

I like the idea of them bullying an eager to be besties Jake.

I thought a hilarious misunderstanding was when you thought someone was calling you Jenny but they were introducing themselves.

'frozen winter shit'

My Dad was the System Admin for Free Radical up until it went in to administration from what I can remember Timesplitters 4 was very early in development. They had nearly finished Star Wars Battlefront 3 at the time when LucasArts decided they didn't want it anymore as they couldn't afford to promote and since Free

They'll casually make reference to past future events (?) like when they put a gigantic toupee over the Earth to cover the gap in the ozone layer.

They never really answered it. I think Six tells Baltar on Caprica that there are 12 models so I always assumed it was him.

Cally all the way. Nicki Clyne is a stone-cold fox.

That's Justin Beiber? I thought it was Vanilla Ice.