The NSX Was Only In Development For 4 Years

Boy, it sounds like a great idea to let people who may be living on meagre means to gamble on things that make the difference between life or death in the moment. Cool system. Yeah, what a dummy for not spending money she may not have really had on something she didn’t know if she would ever need or not.

I did it just to spite you! And I’d do it again!

This would simplify the process of deciding where to eat.

You’ve already had Ferrari admit that while they think they might win a few more races this year, they probably aren’t going to compete for the championship. What do you expect? Maybe Mercedes or McLaren have something they’re hiding?  Hard to argue when RBR’s most legit competitor has already conceded the season.

My issue is big power was either gated behind buying an enthusiast vehicle or paying a ton. Now every car has a gajillion horse power and most people can’t drive worth shit.

Brother, you need a Canyonero XL.

Ive never preordered anything so fast in my life.

Oh it’ll be 4 dollars for one. And it’ll consist of the smallest chicken tender possible, one half squirt of sauce, about 5 strings of cheese, and the saddest tortilla available. You’ll have to eat 4 of them to even begin feeling like you actually ate something.

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

Except that’s not what Stewart did. He didn’t say “this makes him as bad a Trump” and to claim otherwise is putting words in his mouth. Pointing out the obvious, including clips of him mentally melting down in the middle of the press briefing held to demonstrate his mental acuity does not make him a Trump supporter. 

Combined with this from a different article:

I’ve met some absolutely psychotic rightwing Gen Zers. They have drank deep of the antiLGBTQ koolaid.

The fact that Kimi made it onto the App Store and stayed there for so long is a bad look for Apple

Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

Sorry Jesse. That story didn’t sell on tape, and it ain’t going to get any extra credit here.

This boomer agrees with you. Ramsey believes all debt is bad, which is incredibly stupid. Am I going to save up and pay cash for a house while paying rent too? Hell no. And if I did this, I would instantly be “house poor” because I have nothing in savings now. Liquidity is important, and yet another concept that

If the AR was implemented as you write, and if the AR was engaged when Level 4 autonomy was allowed, IE: those geofenced designated areas, sure, I could see it be a terrific experience.

Cleese is like Chevy’s funny he’s an asshole but it’s also not really an act.  Eric Idle has always been too obsessed with famous people and money.  Gilliam has always been crazy and irresponsible.  Chapman was always a huge superior asshole.  Terry Jones was always a tyrant.  And Michael Palin was always

face the truth nerd. it’s over

agreed, this is a good deal for a classic that would get lot of love at a meet up.