The NSX Was Only In Development For 4 Years

I wonder if their position on receiving government assistance changed dramatically in the past week.

Oh, so it’s like how Operation Warp Speed was amazing and beautiful when Trump did it, but then when he lost the 2020 election the vaccines became bad?

The white really highlights what a pedestrian design this is. Not ugly, just dull. I don’t need a look-at-me car, but I’m thinking the typical Ferrari buyer does. ND.

Assembly labor costs here are barely 5-10% of the production costs. Also, Chinese labor costs are about the same as Mexican labor costs now. you’re not saving nearly as much on labor as you would be able to just cut a car’s cost in half.

A totalitarian, human-rights defying, government that can, and will, imprison/murder those who disagree with it. Don’t dare demand higher wages/working conditions at your factory.

It’s sad politicians on both sides are trying to outdo each other ‘talking tough’ on China. The only guaranteed losers are American consumers.

I’m honestly having trouble coming up with a worse one and I literally write for a living

Do you need an actual response on why we should care what China says or...? Should be obvious.

Oh good, protectionism in defense of fossil fuels. Hurrah.

I get that these listicles are supposed to elicit a response, but man this is a bad list. 

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Naw, the self-deluded American car manufacturers will continue utterly fooling themselves that there is an infinite market for 1200hp EVs that cost a quarter million dollars. Face facts? Not these willfully blind simpletons.

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The fact that the commanding officer said that is the exact reason why protests need de-escalators in them. It is so sad that the people taking tax-payer money to de-escalate situations are often the ones antagonizing peaceful protesters.

Clearly you do condone derogatory or sexist comments as you seem more offended by the people who are expressing condemnation for them than the comments themselves.

If you can’t handle people being called out for saying clearly sexist things that they clearly stated are sexist before saying them, then maybe you’re

“me too” world

Maybe just don’t lead all of your interactions with gender, and view people as people? You could have just said, “Yes, thank you.” Strike sir and ma’am from your vocabulary and you’ll find you have far fewer uncomfortable interactions. Languages are living things and once they stop changing, they die. It’s our

And even if it did happen, just say “hey sorry about that" and move on? It's literally not that hard to navigate the world treating people with dignity and respect.

As a father of girls, I find this sort of stuff painful to hear.

As others said, anything that starts with “not to be ____ but” should probably just not be said. I’ve been able to teach high school for going on 13 years now and I’ve never said anything that could be misinterpreted by anyone; it’s not that difficult. It should be common sense