The NSX Was Only In Development For 4 Years

Super fancy Mitsuoka Orochi is the best description this car can ever have.

Good lord, that sounds miserable

Reggie Jackson’s mission is finally complete.

Internet forums: “Why are all the manual enthusiast oriented cars dying?! We only get manuals with base engines these days.  The Supra doesn’t even get a manual!”

It just seems so misguided too.  Yes, I wish people chose more efficient means of transportation, but I also recognize that even if everyone chose the most efficient option available to them, that would still be pretty small beans in the grand scheme of things.

“We wouldn’t do the product that Cadillac is showing [Lyriq]. We wouldn’t do it. Nothing against them, it just doesn’t fit our brand. It’s not far enough. We want a car that gets recalled at least 50 or 60 times. And BAD recalls, like fire and failed braking and roofs that collapse and stuff like that. We’re Ford

The integra has always been an upcharged civic - that was literally the point. Most of them in the 90s were unremarkable non-VTEC sedans with a 4-speed automatic, and the GSR/ITR were very uncommon. They made 6x as many NSXs as they did ITRs, if that puts it in perspective.

The hate piled on this movie is neverending and, as a direct consequence, we got the worst Star Wars film ever as a response...and maybe one of the worst movies ever made. They fly now? They fly now! 

The hate for this car makes no sense, and all the sense in the world at the same time.

To be fair I’ve never met at “Fast & Furious Fan” who didn’t piss me off.

I think this is an exceptionally good idea, and frankly it should be applied more broadly to include driving larger trucks and SUVs.

Whelp, I made it.  I’m officially too old to understand what the fuck is going on any more.  

100% this is a want not a need.

I’ve been saying this for years about most things.  Oh, you’re tired of high price sports tickets, don’t go.  Tired dealer mark-ups, don’t pay.  You don’t “need” a Z06 or tickets to watch millionaire athletes play for billionaire owners, all while fleecing you for a $5.00 coke.  Good lord.

Um, make fun of the people actually paying for this. If these dumbasses weren’t paying, this wouldn’t exist.

I’ll take the ‘Tesla owners doing too much for no reason’ for 200 Alex.

WFH scares the crap out of middle management because it made the world realize that there is not as much of a need for them as we thought. If employees get more work done at home without them breathing down their backs, then companies don’t need as many managers. 

Mehcura ZzzzzzzzzzzzDX

Way too much is being read into this, unsurprisingly. It’s a retro-futuristic drive-in FFS. If it doesn’t appeal to you then fine, don’t go, it’s not going to be to everyone’s taste.

A company plans on opening a drive in movie theater, with a retro theme.