The Notorious J.O.E.

Well, the show is about the women’s relationships with each other. Any other relationship is going to be secondary to the narrative.

Ha!  Wrong show. ;-)

I’m legitimately torn. While Sorkin is someone I find to be insufferable (so I take his defense of Strong with a grain of salt), I am a BIG fan of both Chastain and Hathaway both personally and professionally. So for them to defend Strong makes me reconsider the article. Because I *did* exit that article thinking

I’m not a Snyder cultist by *any* stretch*, but I give him credit for wanting to try something different in the proposed sequels. So many people (myself included) often complain that the superhero-movie landscape often seems to run by template or corporate committee. And based on his alleged sequel notes, Snyder was

I can forgive the show’s characters infrequently contacting family members. Not everyone is close with their biological family. And I can see a group of New Yorkers being closer with their friends instead of blood family. Which ties into this show’s theme of friends being the most important thing.

The article clearly states that they want her to withdraw because she’s perpetuating a false narrative, via both her show and non-profit, that rape kits are backlogged because of lack of money and not due to police inaction (the real culprit).

The article clearly states that they want her to withdraw because she’s perpetuating a false narrative, via both her show and non-profit, that rape kits are backlogged because of lack of money and not due to police inaction (the real culprit).

No one here said her mother didn’t play a factor in her exploitation. But to blame Brooke Shields herself long after the incidents occurred seems pretty reductive and wrong headed. Not to mention she said in previous interviews she’s already made peace with her mother’s actions. I think any rationale person who

And if the OP was questioning the mother’s actions then the words could be excused. But the aggression was also directed towards Brooke Shields herself. She *was* a child and was unfortunately directed into these choices by the adults.

The panel I mentioned. Just incredible.

George did a page in his “New Teen Titans” run where it was a double column of four panels each. Each panel featured ONLY the eyes of each Titan, but looking at it, you knew EXACTLY who was who. Just on the eyes alone That’s how incredible his art has been.

JFC...what did the Shields family do to you to manufacture all that needless vitriol? 

Roxana is not wrong: that New Yorker profile of Jeremy Strong is quite...illuminating.

Roman is vetting an active fascist to be president, is letting his misandry show via his constant baiting of Shiv, pushed a rocket launch through that wasn’t properly field tested (and could’ve killed people).

I agree. Which I find WILD as Roman as made himself the most arguably reprehensible Roy sibling based on behavior. That people are less sympathetic to Shiv solely that she is a hypocrite is mind boggling.

Downvoted for an obvious reason. I’ll let you figure out why and where. ;-)

The moment Kendall greenlit his kids feeding the bagel to the rabbit I knew it was doomed.

Thank you. I’m usually a fan of Roman (and Shiv) but his calling the latter that was sexist *and* suck-up(ish). Speaking of sucking up, Roman’s continual obeisances to Logan throughout the episode came across as extreme Daddy fawning.

Yes. And he threw Gabrielle Union under the bus when she came forward with howAmerica’s Got Talent” subjected her to obvious racial microaggressions behind the scenes.

Thanks! And wow. That’s a really dumb reason.