The Notorious J.O.E.

I only intermittently watch this show.  Why does Kara wear an armored suit when she's in space?  I've found that really odd.

Ugh. I actually side with Johnson in all this. Diesel clearly has let the success of these movies go to his head and sees himself as the defacto head of the franchise.

In an interview Ridley Scott gave while ‘HoG’ was still in production, he claimed they didn’t have Gaga meet with Reggiani as they didn’t want to give the impression they condoned murder for hire.

Yes! The neck thing on the dress was driving me bananas. And considering Shiv’s outfits have been immaculately cut to her figure - this really stood out to me as misstep.

Eh. Tom is still a bully though. He clearly punches down onto Greg because he (Tom) knows Greg is the only Roy lower than him on the family totem pole - and Tom knows Greg is too jittery to fight back.

Yeah, he’s definitely giving off ‘demonically possessed’ person type-eyes in the photo. It’s the first thing I thought. So agreed, the photo is extra creepy considering his actions.

Soloway said “Trans people are in the middle of a Holocaust”. *A* holocaust - not THE Holocaust. Which is an actual word defined as ‘destruction or slaughter on a mass scale’.

OMG, I’m a massive Shalita Grant fan after watching her in “You”. Her arc was done so well and she really brought the comedy via her lines once her and her husband were trapped in the aquarium of evil. That monologue right before she shot Cary? Incredible.

Yeah, I kinda do too. LoL!

Stephen Moyer is “Beeeal” from True Blood.

I would star this comment more if I could.

The one with LL Cool J is “Halloween: H20", which like this current series, also retconned a good portion of the previous movies. It also tried to address Laurie’s PTSD and how it affected her relationship with her child (in that movie’s case, her son (played by Josh Hartnett!)

That made me laugh more than it should have. 

Maybe. But the line was constructed in a manner that indicated that De Amas’ scene, even it was unimportant to the plot, wasn’t at all exciting.

What’s striking to me about De Amas is (despite her beauty) how different she looks in each movie.

Cheryl drives me *nuts* with how irresponsible she is as both a person and grandmother.

OMG...I never realized how badly I want to see Carrie Preston play (A) an evil nun on (B) “Evil” until you suggested it.

This kind of snark is the exact reason why Kumail seemingly no longer enjoys talking about his physical transformation. He initially seemed legitimately proud of the (truly) hard work he put in changing his physique; which is not easy to do in one’s 40s.

After reading that terrific line, I automatically Googled who Pellerin was and immediately LoLed, because D’Angelo was *not wrong*.

I have to disagree. I really feel as if the original show really wanted the viewers to think that Carrie was a flawed, but still likable and relatable person. And most viewers accepted it hook/line/sinker.