The Notorious J.O.E.

Even if one argues that the idea of the conservatorship does help her in the long run - at the MINIMUM, her dirtbag father should be tossed off the conservatorship. He’s psychologically and verbally abusing her, and using her children as tactics to punish her.

It was obvious to me that the conservatorship was BS, but this article really laid it out in the starkest terms. I’ve been steaming since reading it.

Anthology. I’d hate for this ending to be diluted by being dragged out in the way Pretty Little Liars’ was. Especially since this show seemed specifically (and rightfully) to be calling out PLL’s *very* toxic tropes.

I LOVE Gugu Mbatha-Raw. She was incredible in “Beyond the Lights” AND “Fast Color”.

Well, I could wrong, but Emily seems to be indicating that “Cruella” is being unfairly (and exhaustively) critiqued via a lens of sexism. A lens that people certainly don’t use on the Marvel or Star Wars movies (that Disney also owns).

I agree with you 100%. This isn’t an issue of ‘we slept together once’ and they were trying to cover it up. This is long-term lying and (probable) gaslighting. For EIGHTEEN months. So the husband can’t be trusted after this either. This isn’t behavior that could or *should* be forgiven.

I feel like you’re missing the point of why the movie was being pointed out for being sexually regressive.

I’m never going to be degreyed throughout this mediaverse - but I’m still happy to take the baton.

Oh, I totally understood where the mixup came from. Apologies if I made you feel nit-picked.

Its actually “Mr. Inbetween”, good sir.

You’re self confessed hatred of melon-headed individuals made me laugh. Although I, too, have a large head so I small amount of sympathy. But I do agree that the men in question traffic in varying amounts of mediocrity. ;-)

While Sam Worthington is an example* of the white male failing upwards (in Hollywood), Joel Edgerton has written and/or directed some fairly decent films.

That new version *was* really good. Mr. Notorious and I were definitely into it.

Hey-hey now. Outside of the final three books, “The Dragon Reborn”, “The Shadow Rising”, and “The Fires of Heaven” are my favorite books of the series.

You’re not wrong. Which is so disheartening. Anyone whose okay with an emotionally lopsided friendship is not one worth having.

Thank you! :) I was super concerned my comments would come across as crass.

I feel personally attacked by your wish. LoL.

I have to say, reading these articles about Amazon’s LOTR show makes me concerned about itsWheel of Time” adaptation.

I really hate our (American) puritanical fervor about sex. It’s so ridiculous and annoying. We wouldn’t exist without sex - but so many people needlessly clutch their pearls about it.

That's fair.  Apologies if it felt like I came for you.  That wasn't my intent. 🙏🏽