The Notorious J.O.E.

Big awards and recognition in academia doesn’t translate into wider sales, unfortunately. My point is that it’s a shame she wasn’t able to be more wider read *outside* of key groups.

How did the studio make Fennell tone down her message?  I hadn't heard that - and I thought I'd read everything about the production of PYW.  I'm super curious now.  :-D

Thanks! That’s what I get for not double-checking via Wikipedia. :-)

Interesting. You’re legit the first person I’ve encountered who claims to be ‘meh’ to her performances. I’m always impressed by her ability to fully commit to the character she plays.

My two cents on Best Actress & Original Screenplay:

It’s you. ;-)

I was just discussing Octavia Butler with my therapist last week.

The Dark Phoenix Saga and the Legend of Zelda theme song (particularly the cartoon’s arrangement).

When you say “unpack”, are you saying that while Whitlock is definitely a POS it seems a tad unseemly for Cullors to be openly spending so much - and on her *fourth* real estate purchase this year?

Jesus Christ, right? I knew something was up when I saw the comment count was 250+ despite just getting posted within the past 48 hours. But then once I read the content of the threads, I was like ‘WTF’?

Jersey Shore” was a ridiculous show. That said, I’ve been impressed with her ability to not take her celebrity seriously. She seems to manage her brand with a certain level of winking self-awareness.  That's pretty cool.

There’s nothing wrong with unapologetically loving something that’s been deemed ‘bad’. It shows you have interesting taste and are willing to acknowledge it’s non-traditional. 👍🏾

It really did - which I appreciated. It could become too easy to become lulled into thinking Zemo is complacent because of the dad dancing and appreciating champagne. He’s just better at biding his time. totally did - my apologies, Sulagna. I normally don’t skim like that. I was the comments section equivalent of the kid running to join the group at recess with his shoes untied. :-)

Did anyone think of “The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe” when Zemo was offering the kids Turkish Delight?

But bear in mind that joke occured when the show aired (during its inaugural season) on CBS. So unfortunately, this wasn’t a case of the CW being cleverly self-aware.

The show really seems to want the audience to empathize with Karli Morgenthau. One thing I found interesting was, whenever she’s discussed by others, she’s referred to by her first name rather than her last.

Heh. I still wonder how they plan on making that work.

One can hope. I liked that they gave him a militaristic background in “Civil War” and just have him be a vague araristocrat.

I recently just learned of the Black Widow/Agent 13 switch-out for “Winter Soldier”. That was pretty bananas, and unlike a lot of unsubstantiated BTS info, felt entirely believable via the breakdown provided in the Reddit thread I read it in.