I know, right? I’ve played it 15+ times. It’s delightful!
I know, right? I’ve played it 15+ times. It’s delightful!
This was a fantastic article and absolutely conveys my feelings since the election.
No worries. I actually wasn’t commenting about/at you. My apologies if it came across that way, though.
I love Kesha: even her earlier stuff. Even before she successfully proved she didn’t need AutoTune, her music was fun. I’m not afraid to admit her song “Cannibal” was my jam (Jeffrey Dahmer reference notwithstanding).
I LOVE this video; she could dance her ass off.
It’s amazing to me that his team is so inept to not notice these types of things. I shouldn’t be, at this point, but I constantly am. Shame on me, I guess.
I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.
I do agree with everything you’ve said (re: adultery) but I do feel obligated to point out that Jen Aniston is no innocent. Particularly since her relationship with Justin Theroux is based on similar circumstances.
THIS. All this. I don’t understand how, after seeing how ineffectual/unprepared Trump has behaved post popular-election AND there is confirmation Russia intervened to assist Trump, that electors STILL voted for him?
That’s hardly being pedantic: the poster was pointing out a detail that warranted a correction.
I completely agree. Sol-Angel & The Hadley Street Dreams was (and is) a fantastic album that not enough people listened to. The song “Would’ve Been the One” was my jam.
Thanks! 😄 OOTD stands for “outfit of the day”. Not to be dorky, but the link is www.instagram.com/India_Maylor if you decide to check it out. /self promotion ☺️
After a six month break, I was able to restart my Instagram-based art project this week. It’s Barbie as OOTD blogger. I put together realistic fashion looks using authentic Barbie clothes. It started as a kitschy joke, but turned out waaaaaay more awesome and fun then I expected.
I would’ve loved to have a Guinea Pig (as I & Mr. Notorious own two) but I was assigned a greyhound.
Interestingly enough, (per interviews Amy Adams gave) that make out scene apparently was Lawrence’s idea.
Not to sound obtuse but, when you say ‘copy’, are you referring to the book or movie? Because while the movie is terrible, the book is TERRIFIC.
The scene where they’re both in the phone booth in “Days of Future Past”, I couldn’t decide if they were supposed to hate each other or wanted to hate-fcuk each other. And wondering that cancelled out either option and just created an emotional vacuum for that scene.
Good on her for taking a stand! It’s inspiring that she’s found the strength and courage to be an activist against attacks on others.
Maybe now he’ll understand how it feels to have the attention for a good performance unfairly diverted because someone acted like an A-Hole.
…I meant to add that she understands, due to her being a gymnast, the necessity of giving good face while performing. Dangit!