
Nah still not keen on going to public enclosed places for a long period of time. Though I maybe im going against my generation, I would rather see it in movie theaters than at home.

Kinja’d, links still dont work...

Better in what sense?

The Toyobarus are great for the young enthusiast, but for the most who dont care, every basic highschool and college campus will be filled with these

Malaise Era was pretty bad for domestics, you had boats with basically anchors.

1994 Olds Bravada with 225k+ mile, thing was a tank that wouldn’t stop running, spider injectors and fuel pump be damned. I still maintain that the 4.3l just reverted its self back to carburetor form.

Not arguing safety but pretty sure this was the idea behind Saturn

E39 non-M5s. I’ve put more into lowering the suspension ($1200) than repairs. The one thing I’ll say is plastic ages, but if you replace the hot and cold cycled plastic after 20 years of service they are genuinely decent.

And an Escape rides better?

But you are and you didnt even take your own advice?

Bigger question, how did you get to thinking this racially motivated? Where in this article or bill made you believe this had to do with race?

Agreed with others ctrl-c and ctrl-v the most basic CUVs list on Edmunds or where ever. The only one I would pipe up for is the CX-5

But to play the other side of the coin, if that’s what sells, why stock a car that might sit? Buyers have to want to go out of their way to buy manual.

We gonna ignore the TL SH-AWD with the bigger 3.7l then?

I get that a manual would be nicer but Honda tried it in the TL SH-AWD. Guess what happened, less than 5% bought it. They are not going to cater to the enthusiasts who wont buy it new anyway, its proven its not worth it in R&D and parts cost.

Haha yeah and nice! But with Rallycross you can definitely get lost in the sea of Subarus

Sitting at 351k my 92 cb7 is still a champ, Honda cancer be damned. Used to rally cross it before the pandemic and might get back into it.

You cant sit there and tell me with a strait face Tropic Thunder could be made today. People were trying to cancel RDJ last year for it.

And thats all I am trying to say. It may not be faster than a M340i but bragging 400hp will sell cars. The TLX should be nicer than a Stinger but makes it hard to convince someone, with a $5k-10k more expensive price tag, why it has less hp.

I would agree but that was the reasoning they gave for assembly