Orson Welles was unironically great as Unicron in the Transformers movie, especially when he meets Megatron.
I don’t know why you didn’t make this clear- Zelenskyy is Jewish. What Tucker was doing was using antisemitic tropes- that Jews are ratlike, that Jews persecute Christians, that Jews are in league with bankers to control things.
They’re apparently the same guy, despite appearances Unlimited is meant to canonically carry on from the missing end/last season of 90's. Hugely disappointing to me, I was hoping Spiderverse would have 90's helping out in exchange for help finding Mary Jane.
Will the Superman/Spiderman crossovers get any love in all of this Spiderverse? Just suggesting...
I think both may have been forced on him by Editorial. Not that he did the best possible with them, but those ideas weren’t his afaik.
I... think that account is meant to be satire? I don’t know. The real thing is so outlandish, satirizing it is nigh impossible. You can’t even tell anymore.
Usually I just point to the internet being a mistake but in this case I think the mistakes was ever coming up with a way for socially stunted slackers to make millions playing video games all day
what is it with people always saying “it’s a joke!!” being so painfully unfunny?
Because that produces more page clicks/ad views.
So it’s an heroic sacrifice, and since we’re dealing with gods prophecies, she’s clearly going to be back sooner than later? Business as usual then, and at least she has some agency.
When I first heard it was being done I was indifferent, am a boring middle-aged guy, my kid watches the various cartoons but I never got into them like I did with My Little Pony (Discord FTW) so just read about and forgot. Some of the casting and stuff was interesting as meant really getting made but still not big on…
There is a porn huh tab all about it
Re:pokemon, that’s because the main character’s mother slept at Dr Oak’s
Sex and the City also did a very good final episode to the original run.
Perlmutter is also the reason it took so long to get movies about Black Panther and Captain Marvel, fired Terrence Howard the second he started making waves because “no one can tell black people apart,” and had the toys replace all the female heroes’ big moments with male ones (most notably giving Black Widow’s…