People buy smart speakers, so yes.
People buy smart speakers, so yes.
The scene with the ponies had me laughing until my sides hurt. It’s sadly been censored in the US.
... regardless of how you feel about that film, you can’t deny the allure of Frik.
i remember that summer having iron man, hulk, the dark knight and hellboy 2 and thinking ‘wow, superhero movies have finally made it’
Aw, man. I was hoping to see a cut of “War of the Worlds” with all of the alien tripods edited out and it’s just an entire film of Tom Cruise running for no reason while people disintegrate randomly around him.
The answer to the question of “should we ban Nazis?” is always yes. Glad I could help.
You failed to mention the music for Mario Galaxy and I’m disappointed. Those games have some of the best music in mario games.
Desantis: “We are currently planning our next move.”
I’m not cheering for Disney’s success, I’m just celebrating Ron’s failures.
Children deserve good movies, too.
When the Wind Blows.
I was sold on this show the moment Brock rammed his hand up a henchman’s asshole, ostensibly looking for his car keys, and then used the impaled guy like a tennis racket to beat down his colleagues.
More Rick and Morty is just the shot in the arm this game needs, that show’s popularity and guarantee of longevity has never been stronger!
After having successfully killed Super Smash Bros. its work is now finished and it can sail away from these shores, peacefully, into the west.
So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.
Bobby being defeated by returning to his normal, mundane life after visiting Wichita Falls was my favorite part. Him playing the Street Fighter arcade game and wistfully saying “in Wichita Falls, this button doesn’t stick” was always my favorite part.