Cinemax is HBO’s sister channel, and was a really good movie channel back in the day.
Cinemax is HBO’s sister channel, and was a really good movie channel back in the day.
Name a more unnecessary sequel than Weekend at Bernie’s II.
But two celebrities are kinda sorta feuding on the internet! You can’t expect Nu AV Club to ignore that hot goss! FOR THE CLICKS!!
What until she sees his take on “Spa-Peggy and Meatballs”.
Baba Booey
I usually point to season three of Venture Bros. as the point that the show turned from “a well done Johnny Quest parody” to “holy shit, this is awesome!” The animation was smoother, the characters had deeper backstories and motivations, and the writing was laser focused for the rest of the series. Seasons 1 and 2…
It was that dot in Jeremy Bearimy that broke them.
Was he also an elk, a mason, a communist, and the president of the gay and lesbian alliance for some reason?
The best fact was left out of the article: Madame Web was played by Joan Lee, wife of Stan.
Looks like it hurts to be him.
I’m constantly surprised that Freeform still has to run that ghoul Pat Robertson’s 700 Club daily. I would have thought Disney would have appealed to his god, the almighty dollar, and exorcised him from the channel.
Sometimes a Fantasy, an old-school rocker in the wake of disco and new wave.
Out of all the public domain uses since Jan. 1, this one seems to be the best. Direct and to the point, and doesn’t wear out the joke.
Frickin’ Herbs
Introspective ruminations aside, a ham bar sounds like a fake hipster place from Bob’s Burgers.
Regular-Sized Rudy, a kid literally defined by his averageness
“Ameilia” was a beautiful Louise story; for being someone so jaded at such a young age, it was a trip seeing her find her hero.
Nothing says “I’m one of you, working class blue-collars!” like a private jet and a mansion in Connecticut.
This is all perfectly normal behavior...