The Muftak

I guess it’s the writer’s way of pointing out that TTYD is weird as hell. A “naked” Peach is the least weird thing in TTYD to get worked up about.

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Three great voice performances: Hamill’s laugh, Sorkin’s mournful line, and Conroy’s deadpan quip. RIP, Ms. Sorkin, the original, and still the best, Harley Quinn.

I see Gladiator, Star Wars (natch), Dune, Firefly, Game of Thrones...

Not as gifts, but for similar reasons. I work as the AV collection buyer for a library and I get a lot of requests for movies and TV shows that are streaming only. I only buy DVDs since most of the patrons usually don’t care about picture fidelity, and sometimes streaming is out of their price range.

4K UHD is all fine and good, but will there be a standard DVD release? (I have my reasons)

I expect those hot takes this coming Wednesday.

depressed clown contemplating your role in lending political power to a secret Sith Lord

The main problem is that LTT initial response to criticism like this is to act like “Y U mAd?”, then apologize only after the blow back. Most of the time Linus goes and stirs up shit on the socials, only to figure out that, no, people are upset and you’re acting like a douche. Then the apology video hits, “blah blah

D’OH! Bad typo.

Jet Moto > Wave Racer 64

The Marfa lights came and took him away. Johnny, and Dale, are among the stars now.

From at the promo, it looks like he’s carrying more than just the guilt.

I’m pretty sure the only people who talked about this book in 2006 were the ones going “Hurhur, semen” (Wizard Magazine was your dedicated source of all things Spider-semen back then).

Even the dog knows that:

production has been indefinitely delayed on the live-action How to Train Your Dragon remake at Universal.

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To get an idea how bad it is for GameStop, watch this:

Like Inhumans and Eternals, this MCU entry is going to end up being ignored, at best. At worst, it’ll be retconned like Agents of SHIELD

If any aliens are out there, they probably see Earth as a backwater hick planet and are using us as a toxic waste dump, or some sort of crash test target for UFOs. We’re getting the dummy E.T.s., not Spock.