Everyone knows not only does this trick work, but it’ll also help you shred rad guitar licks and meet hot ‘80s California babes.
I happen to live in and around a couple of those areas, so it sucks to be me.
Ricky Spanish.
Is that why Cherry Coke Zero seems to be out everywhere? Even the plastic bottles are missing.
There’s a saying about military service that I think is perfect:
Glad that Super Mario 3D World is getting a port. Loved it on the WiiU.
Hopefully in 6 months when the Pizza Hut shuts down the games can return.
The video store I get, but why would anyone open a Pizza Hut in 2020? And why the hell is it so big that the video store had to downsize?
“Do you or a loved one have a family member that was killed or seriously injured by ‘the radical left’? Would you like to use their memory to help prop up the very system that destroyed their life? Then call the Republican National Committee! We’d like you to speak on behalf of the President about how Joe Biden…
There’s a great episode of Defunctland devoted to Action Park:
Why would anyone do this? If the bees are getting into your home, talk it over with the synagogue. Maybe the hive could have been moved. Just don’t trespass on private property and destroy something that’s not yours.
My favorite Burger King ad was from last year’s Super Bowl:
David listing everything wrong with this van reminded me of this:
Looking back, I was just shocked at the quote since I had never read that part of history. Thanks for clearing it up.