It looks terrified.
It looks terrified.
Stef. Thanks for giving this topic some quality journalism it deserves. I’ve been going to LRP since I was a kid and now I’m def going to the meeting on Monday to sand up to all the idiots out there. It really burns me up that a compromise can't be found for all parties.
Don’t get it fixed. Problem solved.
He’s clearly a grand wizard. I’m sure he knows a spell he learned at Hogwarts that can fix it.
Or make a one off carbon fiber body kit for a Gallardo super trofeo and pocket the considerable savings (:
No Rosberg on the cover. That’s cold.
That graphic at the top is so mint! Who created it?
They said journalist Richard Meaden was driving it. Shame ):
Can't we just look at the moon with a really good telescope and see our shit up there??
Will. Will dominate LeMans. Will dominate my heart that's for sure.
It’s so cool that we can only read one comment now before seeing the posts we just saw on the previous page. Excellent work as always Gawker.
Sorry but why is Jay Kay left out of this list? I mean he literally loves cars so much his album cover for Traveling Without Moving (come on!) is a literal and unabashed Ferrari badge. Oh, and he also has a hand picked collection of seriously sick cars.
Who on this list is cooler than Jay Kay? Green La Ferrari as evidence.
What's a radio?
Right on Mike. Great read
How many moons does it take to turn off everything and do a burnout?
Do you have to pay tax on the total sale price or only the profit you made?
Why is the air suspension jacked all the way up?
It's hard to drive and read jalopnik at the same time.
Flip phone ftw