
Filming for the new channel? Fun track. I’m close. Lmk of you need a shooter.

Oh. Yeah. I see it. Silly to think I had one up on grandmaster musk

That’s like trying to balance a baseball bat in the palm of on your hand. Why no put the stabilizers at the top instead?

Top Gear is dead. The presenters are irreplaceable. Just facts. Good run though over the past 20ish years.

Hat tip to me! But the real winner is all of us, isint it.

How do brakes catch on fire leaving the pits? That's not really not when brakes get hot. Or even get used.

We were there the day they were shooting the Sam Posey segment and got a chance to shoot Adam auto-crossing the Lime Rock Park edition M3 against some of the local guys. Fun times.


"doors" and a "windshield"

Somebody get Kevin Lyons on the phone stat.

Congrats Travis. Looking to team up again for an AER race this year.

Congrats all around! If your looking for video content creators for the new channel give us a shout. We're ready to rock.

We don’t need more nice cars. We already have plenty of really really nice cars that already work really really good.

Also, flatten the jump.


Make cars that are relevant maybe...

look a lot like a more modern Bentley

There's a Warsaw in Russia?

it's a 6x6! Right?! RIGHT?!!?! Aw. Nevermind.

Photoshop is a hell of a drug.